Turning to crime- Biology - Brunner

  • Created by: Kaydee
  • Created on: 10-04-13 18:52
What is the aim of Brunner's study?
To explain the behaviour of a large family in the Netherlands where the males are affected by the syndrome of Borerline Mental retardation and abnormal violent behaviour
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What are some examples of the abnormal violent behaviour mentioned in Brunner's study?
Impulsive aggression, Arson, Attempted ****, Exhibitionism
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How many of the affected males participated in Brunner's study?
5 males
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What methodology did Brunner use?
Data was collected from urine samples over a 24 hour period
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A deficit in which enzyme was found in Brunner's study?
MAOA (monoamine oxidase A)
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In each of the males a point mutation was found on which chromosome was found? and what is it responsible for?
X chromosome of gene responsible for the production of MAOA
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MAOA is involved in what?
Serotonin metabolism
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Why can the results of the study not be generalised far?
Borderline mental retardation is a rare condition
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Card 2


What are some examples of the abnormal violent behaviour mentioned in Brunner's study?


Impulsive aggression, Arson, Attempted ****, Exhibitionism

Card 3


How many of the affected males participated in Brunner's study?


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Card 4


What methodology did Brunner use?


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Card 5


A deficit in which enzyme was found in Brunner's study?


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