It was abolished in 1510 and Empson and Dudley (leaders of council) where executed.
2 of 28
When did Henry marry Catherine of Aragon and what happened to her?
They married in 1509. She had many miscarriages and eventually had a daughter (Mary). Henry wanted a son and so divorsed her in 1533.
3 of 28
When was Thomas Wolsey in power for? And what did he do to fall from power?
Wolsey was appointed chief minister in 1514 and lord chancellor in 1515. He died in 1529, while traveling back to London to await trial and probable execution for failing the king (the kings great matter).
4 of 28
When was the battle of Flodden? What happened?
1513. It was a battle between Scotland (James iv) and England (Catherine of Aragon, as Henry viii was away in France). England won and James died, leaving a young James v as king.
5 of 28
When was the Battle of Spurs? What happened?
1512. Henry faught to gain land in France and aquired 2 small towns called Tournai and Therouanne.
6 of 28
When was Princess Mary born?
18th Febuary 1516
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When was the Treaty of London agreed? What was it for?
1518. it was a non aggression between major European countries like: England, France, Burgundy, Spain, Holy Roman Empire.
8 of 28
When was the Field of Cloth of Gold? What was it?
1520. It was a torniment hosted by Francis 1st of France and Henry viii.
9 of 28
When was the Amicable Grant petitioned? Why?
1525. To rise moeny for war instead of having to call Parliment
10 of 28
When did Thomas Cromwell become Lord Chancellor? When and why did he lose power?
1532. Cromwell fell from power in 1540 becuase Nobility questioned Cromwells religious reforms and Henry though he had gone to far protestant. Also Henry didnt like Cromwell's choice of bride which was Anne of Cleves.
11 of 28
When did Anne Boleyn marry Henry? What happened to her?
1533. In the same year she gave birth to a daughter (Elizabeth). She was executed in 1536, accused of adultery, incest and wichcraft.
12 of 28
What were the Acts which changed the way the church was (into the church of England)? When were they passed?
Act of: Supremacy (king as head of church), Succession (made princess Elizabeth heir not Mary), First Fruits and Tenths (annates/money went to the king not Pope) and the Treason Act
13 of 28
When did Henry marry Jane Seymore? What happened to her?
1536. She had a son in 1537 but died shortly after childbirth)
14 of 28
When was Princess Elizabeth born?
7th September 1533
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When was Prince Edward born?
12th October 1537
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When did the dissolution of the monastries start?
17 of 28
When was the Pilgramage of Grace? Why did it occur? What happened?
1536. It was a revolt becuase of the change in religon/church. It was led by Robert Aske and 40,000 people were involved. It spread through Linconshire and Yorkshire. Duke of Suffolk met them in Lincon and promised Henry would look into the policies.
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When were the 10 Articals and Royal Injunctions issued?
19 of 28
When was the 2nd set of Royal Injunctions?
20 of 28
When were the 6 Articals Published
21 of 28
When did Henry marry Anne of Cleves? What happened to her?
1540. Henry divorsed Anne in the same year because they couldn't speak the same language, he didn't find her attractive and there was little to gain in foreign connections.
22 of 28
When did Henry marry Catherine Howard? What happened to her?
1540. She was executed in 1542 for adultery.
23 of 28
When was the Battle of Solway Moss? What happened?
1542. It was a battle between Scotland (James v) and England (Henry viii). England won, James v was killed leaving a baby, Mary Queen of Scots to be queen.
24 of 28
When was the Treaty of Greenwich? Why was it agreed?
1543. An allience with Scotland and England. Marrage betrothal to Edward vi and Mary QoS.
25 of 28
When was the invastion of France and Capture of Boulogne?
26 of 28
When was the Battle of Ancrum Moor? Why did it happen?
1545. In Scotland as the Scottish government refused Henry's Treaty of Greenwich. (rough wooing)
27 of 28
When does Henry viii die?
28 of 28
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What happened to the Council Learned?
It was abolished in 1510 and Empson and Dudley (leaders of council) where executed.
Card 3
When did Henry marry Catherine of Aragon and what happened to her?
Card 4
When was Thomas Wolsey in power for? And what did he do to fall from power?
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