Tudor Timeline 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe Tudors 1485-1603A2/A-levelAQA Created by: ErinburtenshawCreated on: 19-09-18 15:17 28 January 1457 Henry VI born 1 of 35 1485 Battle of Bosworth 2 of 35 June 28th 1491 Henry VII born 3 of 35 1492 columbus' first voyage to America 4 of 35 1501 Prince Arthur marries Catherine of Aragon, making an alliance in Spain 5 of 35 1502 Prince Arthur dies. Henry is now next in line to throne 6 of 35 1503 Princess Margaret married James IV of Scotland, making an alliance. 7 of 35 1509 Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon, with the Popes special permission 8 of 35 21 April 1509 Henry VII dies leaving Henry VII to the throne 9 of 35 1513 Death of James V 10 of 35 1517 Martin Luther critisised pope, beginning of protestantism and the reformation 11 of 35 1520 Field of Cloth of Gold- a meeting with the french arranged by Cardinal Wolsey 12 of 35 1522 Pope gave Henry VII the title of Defender of Faith for writing against Luther 13 of 35 1529 Fall of Wolsey- failed to to persuade the pope to let Henry divore Catherine of Aragon 14 of 35 1530 Death of Wolsey, on his way to london to answer a charge of treason. 15 of 35 1533 Thomas Cranmer made archbishop of Canterbury and he allowed the Royal divorce 16 of 35 1534 Parliment passed the Act of Supremacy, making Henry head of the English Church 17 of 35 1535 Sir Thomas Moore executed as he would not accept Henry as Head of the English church 18 of 35 1536 Pilgramage of Grace, a revolt against the dissolution of monastries 19 of 35 1540 completion of the dissolution of the monastries and the fall of thomas cromwell 20 of 35 1545 Mary Rose sank during battle with France 21 of 35 28th January 1547 Henry VII dies, leaving throne to Edward VI at 9 years old 22 of 35 1547 Duke of Somerset made protecter of Edward VI 23 of 35 1549 First prayer book in English produced by protestant archbishop Cramner 24 of 35 1549 Ket's rebellion against inclosures and fall of duke of Somerset 25 of 35 1553 Edward VI dies 26 of 35 1553 Duke of Northumberland tried to install Lady Jane Grey as Queen but failed. 27 of 35 10th July 1553 Lady Jane Grey Queen for 9 days 28 of 35 19th July 1553 Mary I proclaimed Queen 29 of 35 1554 Wyatt's revolt against marriage of Mary Tudor and Philip II of Spain 30 of 35 1555 Burning of Protestant Bishops Latimer and Ridley at Oxford 31 of 35 1556 Burning of Protestant archbishop Cranmer 32 of 35 17th November 1558 Mary I dies 33 of 35 1558 loss of callais englands last possession in france 34 of 35 January 15, 1559 Elizabeth I crowned 35 of 35
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