'Trade with Britain was of great benefit to those living in the Empire in the years 1857-90'

How did chartered companies show that trade with Britain was beneficial to those living in the Empire in years 1857-90?
After the Long Depression, where the economy slumped and profits fell, through chartered companies, companies were able to monopoly and the economy flourished. North Borneo Trading Company recieved a charter, they traded tobacco and coffee. British South
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How did chartered companies show that trade wasn't beneficial to those living in empire in the years 1857-90?
Chartered companies often exploited small, local businesses such as the manufacturing industry. Indian-run mills could not compete in price with imported British textiles, British had a global market in comparison to India's small market. Capitalism, mean
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How did railways show that trade was beneficial to those living in empire in the years 1857-90?
-'Railway Imperialism' was beneficial, they provided the largest single investment in self-governing settler colonies like Australia, Australia could then export its wheat and wool
-In West Africa, railways provided link between interior areas of producti
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How did railways show that trade wasn't beneficial to those living in empire in the years 1857-90?
-Railways were commonly built on indigenous land so building on them distrupted long standing ecologies, often forcing people out of their homes
-Because Britain had provided the investment, British railways such as Canada were forced to accept British po
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Overall, trade with Britain seemed to only benefit the British, not the colonies
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Card 2


How did chartered companies show that trade wasn't beneficial to those living in empire in the years 1857-90?


Chartered companies often exploited small, local businesses such as the manufacturing industry. Indian-run mills could not compete in price with imported British textiles, British had a global market in comparison to India's small market. Capitalism, mean

Card 3


How did railways show that trade was beneficial to those living in empire in the years 1857-90?


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Card 4


How did railways show that trade wasn't beneficial to those living in empire in the years 1857-90?


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Card 5




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