Topic A - Home and abroad vocab - Spanish 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishTopic A - Home and abroad vocab - SpanishIGCSEEdexcel Created by: tiashannonCreated on: 18-12-13 20:40 A pie on foot 1 of 78 afueras outskirts 2 of 78 arbol tree 3 of 78 aviso notice 4 of 78 ayuntamiento town hall 5 of 78 caballo horse 6 of 78 campo countryside 7 of 78 carretera road 8 of 78 cesped grass 9 of 78 ciudad city 10 of 78 colina hill 11 of 78 comisaria police station 12 of 78 cruce crossing 13 of 78 edificio building 14 of 78 extranjero overseas 15 of 78 flor flowers 16 of 78 fuego fire 17 of 78 fuente fountain 18 of 78 lago lake 19 of 78 legos far 20 of 78 lento slow 21 of 78 montana mountain 22 of 78 museo museum 23 of 78 paisaje scenery 24 of 78 parque park 25 of 78 pasatiempo pasttime 26 of 78 pintoresco picturesque 27 of 78 planta floor 28 of 78 plaza square 29 of 78 polideportivo sports centre 30 of 78 pollo chicken 31 of 78 pueblo village 32 of 78 puente bridge 33 of 78 peurto port 34 of 78 rio river 35 of 78 semaforo traffic lights 36 of 78 granja farm 37 of 78 granjero farmer 38 of 78 habitante inhabitant 39 of 78 guapo handsome 40 of 78 sitio place 41 of 78 taberna inn 42 of 78 torre tower 43 of 78 trafico traffic 44 of 78 tranquilo quiet 45 of 78 vivir to live 46 of 78 abrigo coat 47 of 78 bufanda scarf 48 of 78 calcetines socks 49 of 78 calor heat 50 of 78 caluroso hot 51 of 78 cambiar to change 52 of 78 cielo sky 53 of 78 clima weather 54 of 78 esta a .... grados it is ... degrees 55 of 78 esta nevando it is snowing 56 of 78 estacion season 57 of 78 este east 58 of 78 frio cold 59 of 78 fuerte strong 60 of 78 hace buen tiempo the weather is fine 61 of 78 hay niebla it is foggy 62 of 78 hay tormenta it is thundery 63 of 78 hielo ice 64 of 78 impermeable raincoat 65 of 78 llover to rain 66 of 78 lluvia rain 67 of 78 malo bad 68 of 78 neblina mist 69 of 78 neblinoso misty 70 of 78 nevar to snow 71 of 78 nevoso snowy 72 of 78 niebla fog 73 of 78 nieve snow 74 of 78 norte north 75 of 78 nube cloud 76 of 78 nublado cloudy 77 of 78 oeste west 78 of 78
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