Topic P3: Electricity; Definitions 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsElectricityGCSEOCR Created by: MiriamLCreated on: 15-11-19 13:36 Static electricity build up of charge on an insulated material, so the charge cannot flow away 1 of 12 Current rate of flow of charge, charge flow per second, measured in Amps eqation I (A) 2 of 12 Charge meausures in coulombs C equation Q 3 of 12 Potential difference meausured in Volts, V. Equation V. Measured with a voltmeter 4 of 12 Resistance measured in Ohms Equation R 5 of 12 Conventional current flows from positive to negative 6 of 12 Power supply Provides the energy to make the charge flow in the curcuit 7 of 12 Voltage Energy per coulomb of charge measured in Volts 8 of 12 size of current charge flow per second 9 of 12 Series circuit Only has one loop and current is the same everywhere 10 of 12 Voltmeter Measures electrical poterntial differnece. Meausres rise in potential across a cell or battery or a drop in potential 11 of 12 Parallel circuit Have more than one loop each loop can be worked independantly 12 of 12
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