Topic 7

  • Created by: DavidW001
  • Created on: 04-06-19 20:29
What is the purpose of Infra red spectroscopy
To identify the presence of different functional groups.
1 of 6
Factors affecting the frequency a bond vibrates at:
Bond Length, Bond Enthalpy, Masses of the two bonded atoms.
2 of 6
What determines if a bond can absorb infrared radiation?
If the bond is polar and if the frequency matches the frequency of the bond vibrations
3 of 6
x axis on infrared spectroscope
Wavenumber cm^-1
4 of 6
y axis on infrared spectroscope
% transmittance
5 of 6
What results from fragmentation in mass spectra
A positive Ion and a neutral species (radical)
6 of 6

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Factors affecting the frequency a bond vibrates at:


Bond Length, Bond Enthalpy, Masses of the two bonded atoms.

Card 3


What determines if a bond can absorb infrared radiation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


x axis on infrared spectroscope


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


y axis on infrared spectroscope


Preview of the front of card 5
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