Topic 6: Organic Chemistry

  • Created by: LouiseG
  • Created on: 16-04-16 09:17

1. Why is 2-Bromopropane the major product of the reaction of propene and HBr?

  • Because the intermediary carbocation is more stable (the charge is spread over more atoms)
  • It is not, the products are equally likely as propene is symmetrical
  • There is less steric hinderance for the reaction compared to 1-Bromopropane
  • The H will attack where there are fewer H's already
1 of 18

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2. The C=C double bond is....

  • ....made of p-orbitals that overlap sideways to form a sigma bond, split in electron density above and below the nuclei plane
  • ... more than twice as strong as the C-C bond due to the electron-dense sigma bond
  • ... not quite twice as strong as the C-C bond, due to the presence of the pi bond
  • ...made of 2 pi bonds, overlapping end-on

3. What is the difference between a ketone and an aldehyde?

  • A ketone can be formed from the oxidation by distillation of a primary alchol
  • A ketone has an C=O group in the middle of it's molcule, thus with an alkyl group on each side. In an aldehyde the C=O is found at the end of the molecule with an H and an alkyl group
  • An aldehyde has an C=O group in the middle of it's molcule, thus with an alkyl group on each side. In a ketone the C=O is found at the end of the molecule with an H and an alkyl group
  • An ketone will form a dark red precipitate of Copper(I) Oxide with Fehling's solution but an aldehyde will not

4. What is the C=C bond attacked by in addition reactions?

  • An electrophile, such as H (d+)
  • A nucleophile such as H (d+)
  • A nucleophile, such as Cl (d-)
  • A base, such as OH-

5. What is the catalyst for the hydration of ethene into ethanol?

  • Iron
  • Potassium (VIII) manganate
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Nickel


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