Topic 15 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAlcoholsASAQA Created by: Jemma1494Created on: 06-06-21 17:20 Alcohol properties CnH2n+1OH Suffix -ol Hydrogen bonding of O-H High boiling point 1 of 13 Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols Categorised based on the number of carbons attached to the carbon containing the OH group 2 of 13 Ethanol production via fermentation C6H12O6 -> CH3CH2OH + 2CO2 Requires yeast and 37°C 3 of 13 Ethanol production via hydration H2C=CH2 + H2O -> CH3CH2OH Requires a H3PO4 acidic catalyst and 300°C Via electrophilic addition 4 of 13 Dehydration of an alcohol Requires a H2SO4 catalyst Via elimination reaction Forms a alkene and water 5 of 13 Elimination mechanism The negative O in an O-H bond is attracted to a H+ ion This forms a positive O with two H attached The hydrogens in the molecule then transfer e- to form a C=C bond and remove the H2O group 6 of 13 Combustion of an alcohol Produces CO2 and H2O 7 of 13 Oxidation of a primary alcohol Requires acidified potassium dichromate Forms an aldehyde Forms a carboxylic acid under reflux 8 of 13 Oxidation of a secondary alcohol Enquires acidified potassium dichromate Forms a ketone 9 of 13 Oxidation of a tertiary alcohol Doesn’t work 10 of 13 Aldehyde properties Functional group R-CHO 11 of 13 Ketone properties Functional group R-COC-R 12 of 13 Aldehyde test Tollens - positive result = silver mirror Fehlings - positive result = blue -> red precipitate Ketones dont react 13 of 13
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