Topic 1 - Sociological Theories on Family 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyFamilies and householdsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Lauren IvankoCreated on: 21-04-20 11:37 Talcott Parsons - What is Primary Socialisation? The process that gives children the basic skills, norms and values for society 1 of 17 Talcott Parsons - What is Stabilisation of Adult Personalities? A place where adults relax and relieve tensions (Warm Bath Theory) 2 of 17 What are features of a Pre Industrial Society? Lived off the land, made their own food, less pollution, very little social mobility, no education 3 of 17 What are features of an Industrial Society? Medical treatments, better health care, factories, more jobs, more pollution, busy and crowded, people traveled for work 4 of 17 What is the definition of family? Any set of arrangements that those involved see as a family 5 of 17 What is the definition of Household? A group pf people living together - including sharing meals, bills and housework 6 of 17 Who argued that 'the family as we know it emerged when a class of men began to own private property'? Engels 7 of 17 What does it mean by 'mode of production'? Who owns and controls societies productive forces 8 of 17 What functions does a Marxist family perform? Socialising Children and Offering support and comfort from the world of Capitalism and buying consumer goods 9 of 17 What do Liberal Feminists believe? Want to see more legal and social changes, campaign for equal rights - March of Progress 10 of 17 What do Marxist Feminists Believe? Capitalism is the problem, women are seen as cheap labour, women are always seen to socialise the young, abolish the capitalist system 11 of 17 What do Radical Feminists believe? Men are the enemy, blame family and marriage, abolish families, all female households 12 of 17 What is the Personal Life Perspective? Based on a Micro Theory - Interactionalism 13 of 17 What did Durkheim (functionalism) suggest about the family? The family is vital to society - creates a value consensus and solidarity 14 of 17 What did Murdock (Functionalism) suggest about the family? Family has 4 functions - Sexual gratification, Socialisation of young, Economic and Reproduction 15 of 17 What did Parsons (Functionalism) suggest about the family? Family performs 2 functions - Primary Socialisation and Stabilisation of Adult Personalities 16 of 17 What did Marx (Marxism) suggest about the family? Family serves the needs of capitalism - Socialise the young, provide safety from work and buying consumer goods 17 of 17
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