"His names Tom Robinson...They're clean-living folks."
This shows Tom and his family have a good reputation within the balck community.
2 of 25
"Tom Robinson was probably the only person who was ever decent to her."
This shows he is caring toward other people, no mattter who they are.
3 of 25
"Tom ran his hand nervously over his mouth."
This shows he is nervous and anxious, and is afraid of hwat will happen to him.
4 of 25
""I felt right sorry for her she seemed to try more'n the rest of 'em."
This shows that Tom Robinson is an empathetic character.
5 of 25
"so a quiet, respectable, humble ***** who had he temerity to feel sorry for her."
This shows that, by all the black community and some of the white community, Tom is seen as respectable and honest.
6 of 25
Aunt Alexandra
7 of 25
"Aunt Alexandra's vision of my deportment involved playing with small stoves, tea sets and wearing the add-a-pearl necklace she gave me when I was born."
This tells us that she thinks that since Scout is a girl she should do all these 'girly' things, even though scout doesnt enjoy doing these things.
8 of 25
"Aunty had continued to isolate me long after Jem and Francis had graduated to the big table"
This shows Alexandra is supposed to be seen as a dislikable characte at the begginning as she is unfair toward Scout.
9 of 25
"It was plain Aunty thought me dull in the extreme."
This tells us that Alexandra doesn't understand Scout because she is different than Aunt Alexandras perspective of what a girl should be.
10 of 25
"Aunty had a way of declaring what is best for the family."
This shows Alexandra thinks she knows what is best for Jem and Scout and even Atticus.
11 of 25
"I'm sorry brother."
This shows she is also empathetic, and lets us see she is not a bad person.
12 of 25
"Are you all right darling?' she asked over and over."
This shows she does care for scout and the rest of the family aswell.
13 of 25
Bob Ewell
14 of 25
"Mr Ewell came in, very excited he was,"
This shows he doesn't really care about Mayella, but only cares about getting Tom Robinson into prison, or killed.
15 of 25
"A little bantam **** of a man rose and strutted to the stand."
This shows, even though the Ewells are below practically everyone else in Maycomb, he still thinks he is important and thinks he is something big.
16 of 25
"well if I ain't I can't do nothin' about it now, her ma's dead."
This shows he doesnt care about any of his children or anyone else.
17 of 25
"I heard Mayella screamin' like a stuck hog inside the fence."
This shows how he really doesnt care about his daughter and that he is ignorant .
18 of 25
"I most positively am not, I can use one hand as good as the other."
This shows he is uneducated as he has absolutely no clue what ambidextrous means.
19 of 25
Mayella Ewell
20 of 25
"brilliant red geraniums, cared for as tenderly as if they belonged to Miss Maudie Atikinson."
This shows that Mayella takes time caring for the flowers and that she isn't really like the rest of the Ewells.
21 of 25
"she seemed almost fragile looking...She looked as if she tried to keep clean."
This shows Mayella wants to be neat and clean, unlike the rest of her family.
22 of 25
"There was something stealthy about hers, like a beady eyed cat with a twitchy tail."
This shows Mayella is sneaky and seems decieving.
23 of 25
"Long's he keeps on callin' me ma'am and miss mayella. I dont hafta' take his sass."
This tells us Mayella isn't used to being treated with respect and courtesy.
24 of 25
"The witness frowned as if puzzled,'Friends?"
This shows she must be very lonley as she seems to not fully understand Atticus' question.
25 of 25
Other cards in this set
Card 2
"His names Tom Robinson...They're clean-living folks."
This shows Tom and his family have a good reputation within the balck community.
Card 3
"Tom Robinson was probably the only person who was ever decent to her."
Card 4
"Tom ran his hand nervously over his mouth."
Card 5
""I felt right sorry for her she seemed to try more'n the rest of 'em."
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