To Kill A Mockingbird a quiz to see how much you know 4.0 / 5 based on 8 ratings ? English LiteratureTo Kill a MockingbirdGCSEAll boards Created by: CharlotteCreated on: 30-03-11 19:24 What was Scout dressed up as to go to the pageant? Ham 1 of 14 Who did Scout find under her bed? Dill 2 of 14 Who saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell? Arthur RAdley 3 of 14 What was the name of the mad dog Atticus shot? Tim Johnson 4 of 14 Who followed Scout and Jem home after the pageant? Bob Ewell 5 of 14 Who carried Jem back to the house after he was hurt? Arthur Radley 6 of 14 What kind of flowers did Mayella grow? geraniums 7 of 14 Jem was how old when his arm was broken? 13 8 of 14 When Jem and Scout made a snowman who did they first intend to make it look like? Mr. Avery 9 of 14 Who said it was a sin to kill a mockingbird? Atticus 10 of 14 What does Scout think when she sees it snowing outside? The world is coming to an end 11 of 14 Whose house caught on fire? Mrs. Maudie 12 of 14 Why did Jem cry during the trial of Tom Robinson? felt it wasn't fair 13 of 14 Who got stabbed with a kitchen knife? Bob Ewell 14 of 14