tissues and organs 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCells, tissues and organsGCSEAQA Created by: m.sssCreated on: 10-04-17 13:22 Muscle tissue (animal tissue) which can contract to bring about movement 1 of 6 Glandular tissue (animal tissue) to produces substances such as enzymes or hormones 2 of 6 Epithelial tissue (animal tissue) which covers some parts of the body 3 of 6 Epidermal tissue (plant tissue) which covers the plant 4 of 6 Mesophyll (plant tissue) which can photosythesise 5 of 6 Xylem and Phloem (plant tissue) which transports substances around the plant 6 of 6
Test your basic knowledge of cells, tissues & organs before you start studying this lesson so you can see what to concentrate on. 0.0 / 5
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