timeline for Nazi

  • Created by: Aishat
  • Created on: 27-05-16 10:58
what happened on the 9th-10th November 1918?
Kaiser abdicates;Germany now a republic
1 of 9
what happened on 11th November 1918?
First world war ends
2 of 9
What happens on January 1919 ?
Spartacists revolt
3 of 9
What happened in June 1919?
Leaders sign treaty of Versailles
4 of 9
What happened in August 1919?
new constitution for German government set up in Wiemar
5 of 9
What happened in September 1919?
Hitler joins German workers party
6 of 9
What happened on the 24th February 1920?
German workers party cahnge their name to NATIONAL SOCIALST GERMAN WORKERS PARTY
7 of 9
What happened on March 1920?
Kapp putsch in Berlin
8 of 9
What happened in 1921?
Hitler takes over form Anton Drexler as leader of Nazi party
9 of 9

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Card 2


what happened on 11th November 1918?


First world war ends

Card 3


What happens on January 1919 ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened in June 1919?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happened in August 1919?


Preview of the front of card 5
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