Thomas Cromwell 1529-1547

  • Created by: Frankie
  • Created on: 14-01-15 19:47
1533, stated that England was an Empire and Sovereign state
act of appeals
1 of 11
1534, stated that Henry "justly and ruly is....the supreme head of the Church of England"
act of supremacy
2 of 11
a law passed by government
3 of 11
the amount of pages filled in the statute book for henry's reign was...
one thousand and thirty two
4 of 11
Parlament HAD to be called in order to make important changes regarding....
5 of 11
Elton claims that Cromwell introduced the....
privy council
6 of 11
the privy council already existed, in a less formal role, under...
7 of 11
a court introduced to deal with the new influx of money from the church
court of augmentations
8 of 11
the court of augmentations was later merged under Mary I to form the...
court of the exchequer
9 of 11
elton claims that Cromwell..... government by reducing power of the regions
10 of 11
1536, declared all local franchises (powers) illegal
franchise act
11 of 11

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Card 2


1534, stated that Henry "justly and ruly is....the supreme head of the Church of England"


act of supremacy

Card 3


a law passed by government


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Card 4


the amount of pages filled in the statute book for henry's reign was...


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Card 5


Parlament HAD to be called in order to make important changes regarding....


Preview of the front of card 5
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