1. The extent of consensus and conflict in society. 2. The problem of determinism and choice.
1 of 9
Define determinism
The idea that people's behaviour is moulded by their social surroundings.
2 of 9
What does consensus theory assume?
That society is primarily harmonious, and social order is maintained through a widespread agreement (consensus) between people on the important goals, values and norms of society.
3 of 9
Conflict theories origins (sociologist wise)
Origins lie in the marxist approach to society.
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What does conflict theory assume?
That society is unequal and how society justifies inequality.
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Summarise Weber's view - Class, status and party
Weber concerned with unequal distribution of power. Conflicts in society arise from pursuance of economic interests; between status groups pursuing social honour.
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Summarise determinism and choice; three main sociological approaches.
Structuralism, Social action or interpretative approaches, integrated approaches
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Define Integrated approaches
Combining the structure and action approaches.
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Define structuralism
A perspective concered with the overall structure of society, and sees individual behaviour moulded by social institutions such as the family, education system, media, work
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define determinism
The idea that people's behaviour is moulded by their social surroundings.
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