how large groups of people live together and relate to each other so society isn't always in conflict
1 of 7
the idea that our actions are control by external social forces. the opposite to free will
2 of 7
consensus theory
the idea that society is harmonious. harmony is kept through social order and value consensus. (FUNCTIONALIST)
3 of 7
conflict theory
the idea that society is full of conflict. society is unstable. focus on issues such as social inequality, family + education system. (MARXISTS, FEMINISTS + WEBER)
4 of 7
believed conflict in society is caused by 1) social classes 2) status groups 3) parties
5 of 7
focus on the structure of society as a whole. how social institutions control behaviour.
6 of 7
structural approaches 3 features
1) how behaviour and norms are influenced by the structure of society and external social forces. 2) sociology should study the overall sturcture of society (and the relation
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
the idea that our actions are control by external social forces. the opposite to free will
Card 3
the idea that society is harmonious. harmony is kept through social order and value consensus. (FUNCTIONALIST)
Card 4
the idea that society is full of conflict. society is unstable. focus on issues such as social inequality, family + education system. (MARXISTS, FEMINISTS + WEBER)
Card 5
believed conflict in society is caused by 1) social classes 2) status groups 3) parties
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