The overall structure of society and the way social institutions act as a constraint on individual behaviour.
1 of 6
Name three features of the Structuralist Approach
1. The behaviours and values of individual beings. 2. The main purpose of sociology is to study the overall structure of society. 3. Positivism is the main methodological approach
2 of 6
Expand on how the behaviour and values of individual beings relates to structuralism.
Structuralism is deterministic, seeing the institutions of society as moulding individuals identities.
3 of 6
Expand on what structuralism thinks the main purpose of sociology is.
Sociology should take a macro approach and not focus on the individual like interpretivists but instead, the social institutions that mould society.
4 of 6
What is the main methodological approach of the structuralist perspective?
Positivism. Using quantitative research methods. the focus of sociology should be on measuring the special forces.
5 of 6
Two main varieties of structuralism.
1. Functionalism 2. Marxism
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Name three features of the Structuralist Approach
1. The behaviours and values of individual beings. 2. The main purpose of sociology is to study the overall structure of society. 3. Positivism is the main methodological approach
Card 3
Expand on how the behaviour and values of individual beings relates to structuralism.
Card 4
Expand on what structuralism thinks the main purpose of sociology is.
Card 5
What is the main methodological approach of the structuralist perspective?
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