Theme 1: La famille 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyHome and environmentA2/A-levelAQA Created by: IndeepCreated on: 17-10-17 17:36 Anchored Ancré 1 of 75 Bisexuality La bisexualité 2 of 75 Happiness Le bonheur 3 of 75 Ceremony La cérémonie 4 of 75 Living together La cohabitation 5 of 75 To live together cohabiter 6 of 75 To behave se comporter 7 of 75 Living with a partner Le concubinage 8 of 75 Husband/Spouse Le conjoint 9 of 75 Adopted Child L'enfant adoptée 10 of 75 To start a family Fonder une famille 11 of 75 Civil partnership Le Pacs 12 of 75 To enter a civil partnership Se pacser 13 of 75 Family break up La rupture familial 14 of 75 To cheat on Tromper 15 of 75 Living together La vie commune 16 of 75 Living together (unmarried) L'union libre (f) 17 of 75 Upheaval Le bouleversement 18 of 75 Female partner La compagne 19 of 75 Male Partner Le compagnon 20 of 75 To get on with S'etendre avec 21 of 75 To spoil Gâcher 22 of 75 To get used to S'habituer à 23 of 75 Single parenthood La monoparentalité 24 of 75 Phenomenon Le phénomène 25 of 75 To rebuild Reconstruire 26 of 75 To seperate Se séparer 27 of 75 Authority L'autorité 28 of 75 Restriction La contrainte 29 of 75 To occur Se dérouler 30 of 75 Argument La dispute 31 of 75 To annoy S'embêter 32 of 75 Household Foyer 33 of 75 Moving in together Un emménagent à deux 34 of 75 Feelings Les ressentis 35 of 75 Head of the family Le tête de la famille 36 of 75 Social Insecurity La precarité sociale 37 of 75 Widow La veuve 38 of 75 Widower Le veuf 39 of 75 Smooth progression Le bon déroulement 40 of 75 Youngster Le gamin 41 of 75 Tantrum Le caprice 42 of 75 Adjustment Un amenagement 43 of 75 To raise Élever 44 of 75 To handle Gérer 45 of 75 To destabilise Déséquilibrer 46 of 75 Customs Le coutume 47 of 75 Root La racine 48 of 75 Memory Un souvenir 49 of 75 Disagreement La mésentente 50 of 75 'Stay at homes' La pantouflards 51 of 75 Busy-body L'hyperactif 52 of 75 To pass down Transmettre 53 of 75 To support Appuyer 54 of 75 To tell off Gronder 55 of 75 Family nest Le cocon familial 56 of 75 Quarrel Une querelle 57 of 75 Only child Un enfant unique 58 of 75 To be firm with Être firme avec 59 of 75 Independent Autonome 60 of 75 Single mother Une mère seule 61 of 75 Younger Cadet(-te) 62 of 75 Youngest Benjamin(-e) 63 of 75 To live alone Vivre en solo 64 of 75 To get divorced Divorcer 65 of 75 Divorce rate La divorcalité 66 of 75 Single Célibataire 67 of 75 To bear a grudge against en vouloir à 68 of 75 To neglect Négliger 69 of 75 To stay together S'unir 70 of 75 Abuse L'abus (m) 71 of 75 To marry Se marier avec 72 of 75 Divorce Le divorce 73 of 75 To shout Crier 74 of 75 Reconstituted family Une famille recomposée 75 of 75
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