Theft 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawCriminal lawA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Ashleigh PageCreated on: 11-03-13 19:46 The Act of Parliament theft can be found Theft Act 1968 1 of 8 the assumption of the rights of the owner appropriation 2 of 8 a type of property such as a bank account things in action 3 of 8 something which can't be stolen wild plants 4 of 8 The case where the D was charged with theft of his own car Turner 5 of 8 test used for dishonesty ghosh test 6 of 8 when someone does not steal because what they wanted is not there conditional intent 7 of 8 when will borrowing become theft? when the goodness and virtue has gone 8 of 8
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