Key dates of the Unification of Italy, 1852-70 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryUnification of Italy, 1852-70IGCSEEdexcel Created by: Poppy ColesCreated on: 07-04-14 11:25 Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Piedmont November 1852 1 of 19 Start of the Crimean War 1853 2 of 19 Cavour offers to help Britain and France in the Crimean War 1856 3 of 19 The Orsini Bomb Plot 1858 4 of 19 War is planned with Austria at Plombières 21 July 1858 5 of 19 Defeat of Austria at Magenta 4 June 1859 6 of 19 Defeat of Austria at Solferino 24 June 1859 7 of 19 Napoleon III makes peace with Austria at Villafranca. Piedmont obtains Lombardy 11 July 1859 8 of 19 Garibaldi and the Thousand earn a victory at the Battle of Palermo, Sicily May 1860 9 of 19 Garibaldi and the Thousand land on the mainland August 1860 10 of 19 Piedmontese troops invade the Papl States and earn a victory at Casteldifardo September 1860 11 of 19 Garibaldi meets Victor Emmanuel at Teano and hands his conquests over October 1860 12 of 19 Cavour dies 6 June 1861 13 of 19 Garibaldi leads an unsuccessful expedition to Rome 1862 14 of 19 Austro-Prussian War 24 June 1866 15 of 19 Peace of Vienna. Italy acquires Venetia from Austria 3 October 1866 16 of 19 Garibaldi attempts to take Rome but is stopped by France 1867 17 of 19 Outbreak of war between Prussia and France. French garrison withdraw from Rome July 1870 18 of 19 Rome declared capital of a united Italy October 1870 19 of 19
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