Ignorance- being uneducated or uninformed about others
1 of 7
Problems in a multi ethnic society
Racism- the belief that some ethnic groups are superior to others
2 of 7
Problems in a multi ethnic society
Discrimination- treating someone differently because of previously held prejudices
3 of 7
Problems in a multi ethnic society
Persecution- as a result of racism, many people from ethnic minorities have had their human rights abused because of their nationality or colour of their skin
4 of 7
Benefits of a multi-ethnic society
Encourages racial harmony-helps people of different races and cultures understand each other
5 of 7
Benefits of a multi-ethnic society
Gives a wider variety of music, food, clothes and culture
6 of 7
Benefits of a multi-ethnic society
Brings new people with fresh ideas
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Problems in a multi ethnic society
Racism- the belief that some ethnic groups are superior to others
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