Support , Shape , Protect, Movement and Making Blood Cells
1 of 23
What are the 4 groups of bones?
Long bones e.g femur/humerus Short Bones e.g Carpals Flat Bones e.g Cranium Irregular Bones e.g Vertebrae
2 of 23
What is ossification?
The process as by which cartilage is turned to bone.
3 of 23
What is the outermost layer of a bone called?
4 of 23
What are the 3 different types of joints?
Fixed or Immovable, Slightly movable and Freely movable.
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What are the types of movements that can be available at joints?
Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction and Rotation.
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What movements are available at a ball and socket joint?
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What movements are available at a hinge joint?
8 of 23
The large flat bones at the top of the back are called..
9 of 23
What are the 3 types of connective tissue?
Cartilage -> Stops the 2 ends from rubbing Ligaments -> Connect bone to bone and help keep the joint together Tendons-> Connect muscle to bone and usually cross a joint so that the associated muscle can cause movement at the joint.
10 of 23
What are the 5 sections of the spine?
1) Cervical 2)Thoracic 3)Lumbar 4)Sacrum 5)Coccyx
11 of 23
What is Skeletal (Voluntary) muscle?
They are attached to our skeletons and cause us to move our body parts. They are under our control. They are sometimes called striated as they have a stripy appearance
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What are smooth (involuntary) muscles?
They are muscles that are not under our direct control and contract on their own accord.
13 of 23
What is a cardiac muscle?
This muscle is ONLY found in the heart and is a specialized muscle which works continuously
14 of 23
What is a fast twitch muscle fibre?
They are used for powerful, fast movements. However, they get tired quickly. Athletes who are good at short events which require speed and power wil have a high number of fast twitch fibres
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What is a slow twitch muscle fibre?
They are good for endurance activities as they contract with less force and do not tire as easily.
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Muscles work in...
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Muscles can only..
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What is the muscle that is contracting called?
Agonist *Think AGony
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What is the muscle that is relaxing called?
The antagonist
20 of 23
What is the difference between Isometric and Isotonic?
Isometric is when the muscle length doesn't change and there is no movement. Isotonic is when the muscle length changes causing movement at the joint. *Think Isotonic drinks are drunk when you are running or playing a sport
21 of 23
The growth in muscles is called?
22 of 23
The reduction of muscle is called?
23 of 23
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the 4 groups of bones?
Long bones e.g femur/humerus Short Bones e.g Carpals Flat Bones e.g Cranium Irregular Bones e.g Vertebrae
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