Gross Domestic Product, the total wealth produced by a country in a given period
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US creation of the atomic bomb
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Atomic bomb
The first generation of nuclear weapon
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Bretton Woods Conference
1945, established the dollar as the principe trading currency
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Total deaths in USSR after WW2
27 million
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Number of Soviet cities and towns destroyed
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Size of Russia Army in 1945
11 million men
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When was the soviet economy the fastest growing in the world?
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Stalin's post-war objectives
Guarentee the security of the Soviet Union, Peaceful co-existence with the west
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Peaceful Co-existance
The hope that the USSR and USA would occupy different spheres of influence and avoid war.
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Stalin's aggression
Soviet determination to create a sphere of influence, refusal to accept opposition parties and willingness to eliminate leaders of states can be seen to have caused the cold war
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Sphere of influence
A geographical area in which one country dominates
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