The rise of the Nazis 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryFrom Kaiser to Führer, 1900-1945A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Joanna_153Created on: 24-03-14 12:13 When was the SA set up? 1921 1 of 24 Who originally led the SA? Ernst Röhm 2 of 24 Party membership by 1923? 20,000 3 of 24 Which prison was Hitler imprisoned in? Landberg prison 4 of 24 How long did he serve? Five years, which was then reduced to 10 months 5 of 24 Name and describe the importance of one significant Nazi conference. The conference in Bamberg, significant because it established the Führerprinzip yet kept the original 25 points of the programme 6 of 24 When was the ** formed? In 1925, they swore complete obedience to the Führer, and only had 200 members in 1929 7 of 24 Name and describe a few of the Nazi organisations established in the 1926 The Hitler Youth 8 of 24 What was the name for the regions that Germany was divided into? Gaue 9 of 24 Who controlled each region? Gauleiter 10 of 24 What percentage of votes did the Nazi Party gain in the 1928 elections? 2.6% (equivalent to 12 seats) 11 of 24 Did the Nazi votes increase in the provinces? Certainly, in the 1929 regional state elections the Nazi Party gained 11.3% of the vote - trebling their prior electoral victories 12 of 24 By what percentage did votes fall by from 1929-1932 55% 13 of 24 What was the number of the registered unemployed in Germany in 1929? 1.8 million 14 of 24 What was the number of the registered unemployed in Germany in 1932? 5.6 million 15 of 24 Provide a statistic for how many German workers were unemployed? one in three 16 of 24 How many major banks collapsed in 1931? Five 17 of 24 What was the nickname of Brüning? "The Hunger Chancellor" 18 of 24 What did Brüning's successor (in the post of chancellor) famously abolish (making it easier for Hitler)? The Prussian government (it was often dominated by the SPD and ZP) 19 of 24 In Hitler's government, how many of the members of the cabinet were Nazis? 3 out of 13 20 of 24 March 1933 saw the Nazis achieve what percentage of the votes? 44% 21 of 24 The initial increase in support (after the propaganda) in 1924 led to the Nazis gaining what percentage of the vote? 6.5% 22 of 24 In the July 1932 election, what percentage of the populace voted for the main pro-democratic parties? 39.5 23 of 24 In the July 1932 election, how many votes did the KPD and NSDAP combined gain? 51.6% 24 of 24
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