The new Queen: character, experience and problematic inheritance

  • Created by: emma why
  • Created on: 06-04-14 14:05
Where was Elizabeth when she found out about her half-sister's death?
At Hatfield House supposedly under an oak tree
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What had Mary I accepted during the final stages of her life?
That she would not have an heir of her own - reluctantly named Elizabeth as successor
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What did Mary do throughout her reign?
Try to persuade Elizabeth to be Catholic
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When did Elizabeth ride through the gates of Charter House with a train of 1000 people?
Wednesday 23rd November
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Why did Elizabeth choose Sunday 15th January 1559 as her coronation day?
Had consulted the astrologer John Dee
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What happened in Elizabeth's coronation?
Three successive crowns on her head and a ring to symbolise the marriage with her country
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What were the assumptions that Elizabeth had to face?
That no-one could match Henry VIII and that no woman could be an effective ruler
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What shows that Elizabeth was clever?
She was able to cover her tracks regarding possible involvement in the Wyatt plot
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What did David Starkey describe Elizabeth as?
"child prodigy"
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What happened to Elizabeth during times of psychological stress?
Often fell ill
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Who was more attractive - Mary or Elizabeth?
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How can Elizabeth's rule be described?
"shrewd, cautious and detached ruler"
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How does W. MacCaffrey describe Elizabeth?
"She had developed a strategy of caution, of immobility, of playing as few cards as possible, waiting and hoping on events"
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What did Elizabeth give to her father as a New Year's gift at the age of 12?
A book which included her own views on kinship
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What do some historians argue affected Elizabeth's opinions of men?
Her father, Thomas Seymour and also fact Mary was over-reliant on Philip
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Was Elizabeth self sufficient?
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Was Elizabeth's upbringing unusual even by 16th century standards?
Yes - unusual she was still unmarried at 25 as royal princesses, except Mary, were usually married early for political advantage
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What were Elizabeth's relationships with her father, half-brother and half-sister like?
Not always good
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On two occasions prior to her accession Elizabeth's life was in danger - when?
Links to Thomas Seymour and Thomas Wyatt
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Although Elizabeth's childhood experiences taught her to be cautious when making decisions what did they fail to do?
Prepare her for running the country
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Elizabeth did not live in same household as her father, where was she sent with Mary?
to Hatfield Place north of London
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Although Elizabeth lived the life of a princess at Hatfield Place, what did Elizabeth's governess have to complain to Henry VIII about?
That there was not enough money for clothes
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When Henry VIII came to visit he spent time with Elizabeth - where was Mary sent?
Mary locked in room
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What was Elizabeth's relationship with Edward like when he was King?
Maintained strictest courtesy towards him, curtsied when he approached her and ate table below him
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Robert Ascham - Elizabeth's tutor and a scholar
Distinguished Latin scholar and educational expert
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When was Robert Ascham Elizabeth's tutor?
From 1548 to 1550 and returned in 1555 to concentrate on her studies of Greek
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By the age of fourteen which languages was Elizabeth fluent in?
French, Italian and Latin
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What did Ascham describe Elizabeth as?
"brightest star"
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Ascham's influence was important to Elizabeth, why did he leave the royal household?
Was not happy there and resigned after argument with Elizabeth's steward
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What was Elizabeth's title when she had been made illegitimate?
Lady Elizabeth
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Were Elizabeth's infrequent meetings with Henry VIII generally friendly?
Yes, although examples exist of his losing his temper with hre
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Elizabeth was entrusted to a governness with a household of her own, for what kind of occasions would she be invited back to coutr?
e.g. Edward's christening
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Who persuaded Henry to bring his daughters back to court
Catherine Parr
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What influence did Catherine Parr have on Elizabeth's education
Kept an eye on her religious instruction and general education
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What were Catherine Parr's religious beliefs?
Sympathetic towards further Protestant change
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What can be said about Catherine Parr's possible influence on Elizabeth's beliefs?
Possible influence as she was in charge of Elizabeth's education
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What did J. Ross say about Elizabeth's experiences?
"Elizabeth saw how her royal father was the embodiment of power and manhood, wielder of fate for the women who married him, and thus she acquired abnormal experience of the impotence and disposability of married women"
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What did W. MacCaffrey say about Elizabeth's experiences?
"Elizabeth's experience was very limited. Her life had been led almost exclusively in the seclusion of country houses, with only an occasional and short visit to court"
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Was Catherine Parr deceived by Thomas Seymour?
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Was Kat Ashley concerned with Thomas Seymour's actions?
Yes, she grew concerned while he "romped with her in the garden"
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What is there a small amount of evidence of happening to Elizabeth?
She could have been pregnant by Seymour and a child sent away
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When was Elizabeth sent away by Catherine Parr?
When Catherine was pregnant, after incidents with Seymour
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Who was arrested regarding the Thomas Seymour issue?
Seymour, Kat Ashley and Thomas Parry
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Kat Ashley
Elizabeth's governness
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Thomas Parry
Elizabeth's steward
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Why was Elizabeth interrogated to see if she knew of Seymour's plans?
It was treason for a royal heir to marry without Privy Council's permission
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Although Elizabeth was eventually cleared, what happened to Seymour?
He was executed by the order of the Privy Council in 1549
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Edward VI remained aloof during the investigation of Elizabeth's involvement in Seymour's plans - how long afterwards did he not receive her at court for?
Six months
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When the Duke of Northumberland was Master of the King's Household what did he use his influence to ensure?
Elizabeth did not meet her brother and that her letters did not reach him
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Who usually prompted Mary's suspicions of Elizabeth when they arose?
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After defeat of Northumberland's coup d'etat what did Mary and Elizabeth do?
Entered London together
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Why was Elizabeth a risk to Mary?
A possible figurehead for the enemies of Catholicism
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When did Elizabeth leave court, soon after Mary became Queen?
December 1553
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What did Mary believe after her accession?
That Protestants were plotting against her
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When Elizabeth was arrested and sent to the Tower what did she do?
Refused to move from the steps of the Tower and was left there by Constable of the Tower who was not in position to manhandle her - cold and probably hunger led her to go inside
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After Mary released Elizabeth from the Tower where did she stay until 1558?
In the country
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Despite the fact that the Tower of London was a royal palace Elizabeth never returned -true or false?
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When Elizabeth received a letter from Wyatt what did she do?
Did not reply in writing but told messenger would act as God allowed her
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After Elizabeth's letter from Wyatt, what did Mary do?
Ordered her to Whitehall though Elizabeth said she was too ill to travel - took 11 days to cover 23 miles; by which time rebellion was over.
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When Elizabeth spoke to the soldiers Mary told to guard her, what did they do?
Fell to their knees
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What did Mary do the day before she was sent to the Tower where she was held captive for 8 weeks?
Wrote a letter to Mary begging for her life and by the time finished the tide was too high to make the journey that day
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After Henry's death who did Catherine Parr mary, bringing up Elizabeth at their household in Chelsea?
Thomas Seymour
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What was Parr's relationship with Elizabeth like?
Regarded each other as mother and daughter
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What was Thomas Seymour's plan?
Marry Elizabeth and wanted to abduct Edward to bring the king under his personal control
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At fourteen years old, what do Elizabeth's opinions of Seymour's advances seem to have been?
Flattered by his attention and attracted to him
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From when was Kat Ashley with Elizabeth?
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What was Kat Ashley's role?
Supervised education in mathematics, languages, geography, sewing, dancing, deportment and riding
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After Kat Ashley was released after interrogation by Privy Council in 1548 over Thomas Seymour, was she restored to position?
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What shows Elizabeth's love of Kat Ashley?
Resisted attempts by Edward and Mary to replace her with someone of their choosing
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What role did Elizabeth give Kat Ashley when she became Queen in 1558?
First Lady of the Bedchamber
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Elizabeth and Edward were originally close though they lived apart - what changed this?
Once became king he was dominated by Edward Seymour, saw Elizabeth infrequently and though she wrote regularly the easy affection between them was wrong
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Why did Mary have little in common with Elizabeth?
Mary remained attached to Spanish inheritance and Roman Catholicism of the Church
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When did Mary's relationship with Elizabeth deteriorate further?
When Mary sent Elizabeth to the Tower in 1554 on suspicion in Wyatt's Rebellion - Elizabeth was under threat of execution as Mary and her councillors discussed whether to execute her
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What happened to Elizabeth after her eventual release from the Tower?
Was kept under house arrest in Oxfordshire
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What shows that the tensions between Elizabeth and Mary continued to the end?
Mary initially refused to proclaim Elizabeth as heir on the grounds that Elizabeth was nto her sister but the ******* daughter of a notorious woman who had replaced the rightful Queen
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What does MacCaffrey say about Elizabeth's problematic inheritance?
"She was yet to learn the skills required for the exercise of rulership - making decisions, giving commands and ensuring those commands were obeyed."
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What was something that made Eliazbeth's inheritance more challenging for hre?
She was not originally expected to rule
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Were the rights of women to succeed secure?
No, they were in doubt
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What did Elizabeth become on Edward's birth?
No more than a minor royal
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What returned Elizabeth and Mary to the succession, though not returned to legitimate status?
Act of Succession of 1543-4
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What were Mary and Elizabeth denounced as on Edward's death?
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Why was Elizabeth named as heir just ten days before Mary's death?
Mary was advied to name her
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Why did Elizabeth have to come to a decision about the most eligible candidate for a husband?
The continuity of the Tudor dynasty rested on her sshoulders
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What decisions needed to be made relatively urgently?
Size and composition of Privy Council, appointment of ministers and also the issues of foreign alliances and religious doctrine could not be delayed for long
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Who was next in like to the throne until Elizabeth produced an heir?
Mary Stuart
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Who did some Catholics including the Pope believe should be Queen as did not recognise the marraige of Elizabeth's parents (making her illegitimate)?
Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart)
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Which country supported Mary, Queen of Scots claims to the English throne?
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Why did France support Mary Queen of Scots claim to English throne?
Her mother Mary of Guise was French and Mary was about to marry Francis, the son of Henry II (King of France)
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If Elizabeth established a Protestant Church who would become the natural focus for English Catholics wishing to rebel against Elizabeth?
Mary Queen of Scots with French and Papal support
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Who would Elizabeth need to rely on as she was inexperienced?
Older and more experienced councillors particularly Sir William Cecil, as well as her own instincts and judgements
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What did someone tell Elizabeth that she did not believe?
That she owed the throne to Philip
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Elizabeth resisted plans by Philip to marry her to who?
the Catholic Duke of Savoy
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For the first two months of Mary's reign Elizabeth resisted going to Mass, whta happened when Mary demanded she go to Mass of 8th September?
Elizabeth had personal interview at Richmond and said she had not been taught the old faith and asked for instruction
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What did Elizabeth claim stopped her from attending the Mass she was supposed to?
Said had developed a chill
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Although Elizabeth was viewed at home and abroad as Protestant, what can be said about Elizabeth's religious viwes?
She was not passionately religious
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For the first two months of Mary's reign Elizabeth resisted going to Mass, whta happened when Mary demanded she go to Mass of 8th September?
Elizabeth had personal interview at Richmond and said she had not been taught the old faith and asked for instruction
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What did Elizabeth claim stopped her from attending the Mass she was supposed to?
Said had developed a chill
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Although Elizabeth was viewed at home and abroad as Protestant, what can be said about Elizabeth's religious viwes?
She was not passionately religious
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What had Mary I accepted during the final stages of her life?


That she would not have an heir of her own - reluctantly named Elizabeth as successor

Card 3


What did Mary do throughout her reign?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did Elizabeth ride through the gates of Charter House with a train of 1000 people?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did Elizabeth choose Sunday 15th January 1559 as her coronation day?


Preview of the front of card 5
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