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6. The Moral Argument considers consequences and is relative
7. What is a postulate?
- someone who is immoral
- something which is an assumption
- someone who works on the streets at night
- something which can be proven, conclusively
8. Who criticised the Moral Argument, claiming that morality has evolved within humans?
- William Paley
- Sigmund Freud
- Thomas Aquinas
- John Hick
9. The three postulates of morality are
- The world, the universe, God
- Freedom, Immortality, God
- Motion, Causation, a necessary being
10. What, according to Freud, is responsible for human morality?
- Jesus
- superego
- ego
- id
- God
11. This is influenced by
- Our own personality
- Society, parents, rules
- God and the Bible