Compare Judaeo-christian ideas of the Goodness of God with that of Plato
- Platos universal form of the good - God individual Goodness - Platos goodness is a quality and therefore inactive - God interacts with his creation
1 of 7
Explain God as a Lawgiver/Judge
- Exodus 20 10 commandments - Judges wheather people go to heaven depending on how they obeyed the moral code
2 of 7
Explain God as a personality
- Compassionate (responds to prayer and pity) - God as a prent (hosea) Cares for his creation - Rightgous indignition (angered by injustice)
3 of 7
God is not Good
If god interacts with his creation he becomes changeable and arguably cannot be perfect as perfection is unchageable. Therfore by possesing the qualities required of being the Judaeou-Christian idea of God, God cannot be God... A huge contradiction.
4 of 7
Euthyphros Dilemma
Does God control things because they are good or are things good because god controls them?
5 of 7
Euthyphros Dilemma in relation to the bible
In genesis God describes his creation as being "good" therefore things are good because god controlled/created them. As god created everything, everything became good as god controlled it.
6 of 7
Other side of Euthyphros Dilemma
Gods knowldedge and recognition of goodness shows that Goodness is a higher power in which God measures himself against
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Explain God as a Lawgiver/Judge
- Exodus 20 10 commandments - Judges wheather people go to heaven depending on how they obeyed the moral code
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