The Buddhist theory of causality (cause and effect)
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What is one way dependant origination is explained?
(1) Why samsara is characterised by Dukkha • Ignorance (avidya) leads to habits (conditioned states or dukkha) keeps one trapped in samsara • Wisdom (Eightfold Path) leads to escape from samsara
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What is another way dependant origination is explained?
2) Web of inter-dependence – 12 nirdanas (links): How all phenomena are causally connected.
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Whats is the 3rd Noble truth?
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What does the 3rd noble truth explain?
leads through to enlightenment (nibbana)
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What is the 4th noble truth?
Magga or the 'middle way'
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Why is the 4th noble truth known as the 'middle way'?
It is the middle way between hedonism (self-indulgence) and asceticism (self-denial)
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What are the wisdom (panna) path factors in the Noble Eightfold Path ?
1. Right Understanding 2. Right Thoughts
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What are the morality (sila) path factors in the Noble Eightfold Path ?
3. Right Speech 4. Right Action 5. Right Livelihood
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What are the meditation (samadhi) path factors in the Noble Eightfold Path ?
6.Right Effort 7. Right Mindfulness 8. Right Concentration
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Within the Right Action path factor, what do the 5 precepts refrain/cultivate from?
1. Ahimsa -> metta & karuna 2. Taking what is not yours -> dana 3.Senses -> contentment 4. False Speech -> truthfulness 5. Intoxicants -> mindfulness
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