A new governement, that was set up in the small town of Weimar to avoid the unrest in Berlin. It was to try and create more of a democracy.
1 of 8
Describe the structure of the Weimar Republic
The head of the republic was the president (which was elected every 7 years). Beneath the president was the chancellor who ran the cabinet (who made political decisions). Beneath them was parliament (reichstag & reichstrat). Then the German people.
2 of 8
How was the parliament organised?
Proportional representationThis meant that the party’s seats reflected the number of votes it received.
3 of 8
What was article 48 an why was it unpopular?
It states that the president could create any law he wanted if it was a state of emergency. The president would abuse this law, as the article never stated what was counted as an emergency.
4 of 8
Who chose the chancellor?
The president.
5 of 8
How old did you have to be to vote.
6 of 8
What were two strengths of the Weimar Republic?
1 It was a genuine democracy 2 No one person or group had too much power
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What were three weaknesses of the Weimar Republic?
1 Proportional representation meant that weak coalitions were the only way to gain power and lead Germany 2 Article 48 3 Strong German states, such as Prussia, still hold power through the reichstrat
8 of 8
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Card 2
Describe the structure of the Weimar Republic
The head of the republic was the president (which was elected every 7 years). Beneath the president was the chancellor who ran the cabinet (who made political decisions). Beneath them was parliament (reichstag & reichstrat). Then the German people.
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