The Vietnam war up to 1963 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarA2/A-levelAQA Created by: JackDo77Created on: 08-06-18 10:10 What % of the war was the USA paying for by 1953? 75% 1 of 15 How much did the war cost between 1950-54? $4 billion 2 of 15 What domestic pressures caused Truman to intervene in Vietnam? McCarthyism + pressure from Republicans (soft of communism) 3 of 15 What year did the Vietnamese forces defeat the French and what was the battle that the French were defeated at called? 1954 Dien Bien Phu 4 of 15 What did the Geneva Accords agreement state would happen in Vietnam in 1956? free elections 5 of 15 What was Domino Theory based upon? That if a country fell to communism, then its neighbour would follow 6 of 15 Why did the USA refuse to allow free elections in South Vietnam? Because the US worried that the people of SV would vote in favour of communism 7 of 15 What was the phrase the Eisenhower used to praise Diem? 'Miracle man of Asia'. 8 of 15 what number of military advisors did Kennedy increase to when he was elected? 16,000 from 700 9 of 15 How many more ARVN troops were trained in 1961? additional 20,000 10 of 15 How many strategic hamlets had been created by the end of 1962? 3,000 11 of 15 What was Kennedy's 'flexible response' policy? use of counterinsurgency tactics (infiltration). 12 of 15 What was one of Kennedy's biggest political reasons for engaging in the Vietnam war? Because Democrats were vulnerable to being called soft on communism 13 of 15 How many votes did Diem receive from 405,000 voters 605,000 (clearly indicates that the elections were rigged) 14 of 15 What percentage of the vote did Diem receive and in what year? 98%, 1956 15 of 15
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