The Superpower, 1945-1975: The USA and international relations: the Cold War and relations with the USSR and China

  • Created by: alieke
  • Created on: 10-05-23 11:46
The power vacuum
A situation were a gov. has not identifiable authority = long-term cause of the Cold War where Hitler destroyed Central Europe's political structures, forced USA + USSR to militarise + then left them confronting each other after the war
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US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945
detonation of 2 bombs over two Japanese cities killing together between 129,000 - 226,000 people. Following the bombings, Japan signed the instrument of surrender, effectively ending WW2
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Yalta Conference 1945
meeting between USA, UK + Soviet Union to discuss post-war reorganisation of Germany + Europe
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Potsdam Conference 1945
Aimed to negotiate terms for end of WW2 + plan the post-war peace. The conference hinted at tensions that would develop between US + Soviet Union which eventually led to the Cold War.
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The Truman Doctrine 1947
US foreign policy pledging American "support for democracies against authoritarian threats" + aimed to contain Soviet geopolitical expansion during Cold War
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NSC 68 1950
One of the most important American policy statements of the Cold War. It advocated a large expansion in the military budget f the US, the development of a hydrogen bomb + increased military aid to help the allies
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US foreign policy aimed at stopping the spread of Communism + keeping it "contained" + isolated within its current borders of USSR instead of spreading to war-ravaged Europe.
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Yalta Axioms
Pres. FDR's view that Stalin was reasonable
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Riga Axioms
George Kennan + others view that Stalin could only be restrained using force
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The Long Telegram 1946
A summary of what the Soviets were up to by George Kennan, saying the USSR was heavily armed, feared the outside world + determined to spread communism. It justified Cold War to USA.
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The Novikov Telegram
A telegram by Nikolai Novikov warning Soviet Union that USA had emerged from WW2 economically strong + bent on world domination. Thus, the USSR needed to secure its buffer zone in Eastern Europe + spread communism
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Berlin Blockade 1948
An attempt by Soviet Union + East Germany to cut off all land + river access to West Berlin, which was occupied by US, Britain + France, triggered by Western Allies' efforts towards economic recovery in their zones of Germany. The Western Allies responded
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NATO 1949
a military alliance between US + European countries which raised tensions between USSR + USA as was perceived as threat to Stalin + USSR
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'Truman Doctrine' speech 1947
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Card 2


detonation of 2 bombs over two Japanese cities killing together between 129,000 - 226,000 people. Following the bombings, Japan signed the instrument of surrender, effectively ending WW2


US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945

Card 3


meeting between USA, UK + Soviet Union to discuss post-war reorganisation of Germany + Europe


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Card 4


Aimed to negotiate terms for end of WW2 + plan the post-war peace. The conference hinted at tensions that would develop between US + Soviet Union which eventually led to the Cold War.


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Card 5


US foreign policy pledging American "support for democracies against authoritarian threats" + aimed to contain Soviet geopolitical expansion during Cold War


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