The structure of the League of Nations

  • Created by: katewells
  • Created on: 01-02-16 20:46
Asministrative tasks and financial work. Organised conferences, monitored budgets and published reports
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Executive body of the League. Met 4/5 times a year in times of crisis. In 1930 the permanent members were Britain, France, Italy and Japan (Germany became a member in 1926)
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Met once a year. Each member had one vote and decisions had to be unanimous. They admitted new members and elected non-permanent members to the council.
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Court of international justice
Gave adive to the league for small disputes and was staffed by 11 judges and 4 deputy judges
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International Labour Organisation
Promoted good working practices, fair wages, fair hours and rights for women and children
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Health Committee
Set up to improve world health
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Slavery Committee
Set up to end slavery
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Refugee Committee
Set up to return people to their homes after wars and disasters, this included prisoners of war too
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Card 2


Executive body of the League. Met 4/5 times a year in times of crisis. In 1930 the permanent members were Britain, France, Italy and Japan (Germany became a member in 1926)



Card 3


Met once a year. Each member had one vote and decisions had to be unanimous. They admitted new members and elected non-permanent members to the council.


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Card 4


Gave adive to the league for small disputes and was staffed by 11 judges and 4 deputy judges


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Card 5


Promoted good working practices, fair wages, fair hours and rights for women and children


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