The Skeletal System 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationSkeletal system - bones and jointsGCSEAQA Created by: Eve AngusCreated on: 04-12-18 11:32 Joint A place where two or more bones meet 1 of 24 Cartilage It covers the ends of bones providing a smooth, friction-free surface 2 of 24 Synovial Fluid Produced by the synovial membrane to lubricate the joint 3 of 24 Capsule Tough fibrous tissue that surrounds the synovial joint 4 of 24 Ligaments Joining bone to bone 5 of 24 Dislocation When the bones of a joint separate from their normal position 6 of 24 Tendon Attaches muscle to bone 7 of 24 Function - Support The bones are solid and rigid. They keep us upright and hold the rest of the body in place 8 of 24 Function - Protection Certain parts of the skeleton enclose and protect the body's organs from external forces 9 of 24 Function - Movement The skeleton helps the body move by providing anchor points for the muscles to pull against 10 of 24 Function - Shape The skeleton gives us our general shape such as height and build 11 of 24 Function - Mineral Storage Bones store several minerals such as calcium and phosphorus which can be released into the body when needed 12 of 24 Function - Blood Cell Production The inner marrow of the long bones and ribs produces red and white blood cells 13 of 24 Hinge Joint A joint that allows movement at the elbow, knee and ankle 14 of 24 Flexion A movement at the elbow where the angle at two bones decreases 15 of 24 Extention A movement at the elbow where the angle at two bones increases 16 of 24 Ball And Socket Joint A joint that allows movement at the shoulder and at the hip 17 of 24 Abduction A movement where limbs are moved away from the body 18 of 24 Adduction A movement where limbs are moved towards the body 19 of 24 Rotation Turning a limb along its axis 20 of 24 Plantar Flexion A movement at the ankle where the toes are pointed towards the ground 21 of 24 Dorsiflexion A movement at the ankle where the toes are pulled up towards the knee 22 of 24 Condyloid Joint A joint that allows movement at the wrist 23 of 24 Pivot Joint A joint that allows movement at the neck 24 of 24
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