The Rise of Mussolini
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- Created by: Anniexox215
- Created on: 29-01-17 18:07
"The impact of the First World War on Italy is the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power by 1922." How far would you accept that verdict?
1)war+aftermath=new problems2)divisions among ruling elite between neutralists+interventionalists= no cooperation3)hope raised for land reform with demobbed soldiers expecting recognition as saviours-added fuel 2 unrest in industrial towns+landhunger
1 of 15
"The impact of the First World War on Italy is the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power by 1922." How far would you accept that verdict? (part 2)
4)liberal gov blamed for "mutilated victory"+ failing to stand for Italian interests5)Growing political crisis=PR 6)Liberal Italy weak-public discontent+disapointment over lack of gains+ treaties 7)King+CathChurch=fear of left wing= Support M
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"The impact of the First World War on Italy is the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power by 1922." How far would you accept that verdict? (part 3)
8)Fear of Civil war prompted king not to use Martial law + invite M to be PM 9)Growth of Socialism strikes(Bienneo Rosso),agricultural problems+ unrest + gov not working together 10)1921-Fascists+Giolitti Gov = respectability
3 of 15
Explain why the Catholic Church supported Mussolini's rise to power in Italy in the Period 1919-1922.
1)Fear socialsm/communsm+promise2 restore order+law2)Fascism=respectable+support of King+army3)Promises 2 Vatican=material resources4schools, churches+hospitals4)Stressed church=nothing2 fear5)Pope PiusXI blessed Fascist Banner6)RomanQuestion
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"The role of King Victor Emmanuel III was the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power in Italy by 1922." How far do you agree with this statement?
1)Fear and pessimism of king-disillusioned with parliamentary leadership+ feared left wing coup.M=Strength against that.2)King doubted lyalty of army to challenge Fascists
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"The role of King Victor Emmanuel III was the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power in Italy by 1922." How far do you agree with this statement? (part2)
3)King=Crucial role- Liberals=deeply divided- rejected the unanimous advice of Facta's gov to enact martial law was the first time king acted against gov in 22 years. = reorganisation with Salandra( failed to form gov) +M was made PM.
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"The role of King Victor Emmanuel III was the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power in Italy by 1922." How far do you agree with this statement? (part3)
4)Problems with democracy-role of church+ North/South Divide5)3 main political parties wouldn't work together- PR 1919=Weak coalition gov +growth extremism 6) Fears of Communist Revelution+ role of church
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"The role of King Victor Emmanuel III was the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power in Italy by 1922." How far do you agree with this statement? (part4)
7)M was supported bcuz king +church hated socialism + communism 8)M= threat "March on Rome" = King+Salandra invite PM 9) Continued inflation + undermining peoples living standards
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Explain the reasons for the rise of Fascism in Italy in the period 1919-1922.
1)PR + 5 Coalition govs+ large parties not working together + not taking fascist threat seriously 2)1921= Giolitti + Fascists in gov list of approval = gave fascists respectability3)increase in fascist violence= liberal democracy under presssure
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Explain the reasons for the rise of Fascism in Italy in the period 1919-1922. (part 2)
4)King+Catholic Church supported M= restore law+order+smash socialism 5)Threat of "March on Rome" King+Saldra ask to take power +destroy democracy 6) 1919= PROBLEMS-rising inflation, high unemplyment,Biennio Rosso+ discontent over mutilated victory=
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Explain the reasons for the rise of Fascism in Italy in the period 1919-1922.( Part3)
7)Fascists support through importance of national identity + strength+ glory 8)Squadristi= support 9) 1921 election= credibility
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Explain why some groups in Italy supported Fascism between 1919 and 1922.
1)support of large industrialists eg. Pirelli + Olivetti= impressed by fascist strike- breakers oposing trade unionists.2)against socialism=conservatives, police officers, army members, rural landlords, middle class business people.
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Explain why some groups in Italy supported Fascism between 1919 and 1922.
3)Youths + Students angered by rising wages of workers they calssed as unpatriotic - lack of prospects themselves 4)oppertunity of adventure and end to daily routine 5) support of king
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Explain why some groups in Italy supported Fascism between 1919 and 1922.
6)support of ex soliders- proud of military but humiliated+berayed by "mutilated victory" 7)Rural,lower+middleclass farmers-Romanga, Lombardy+Venetia-improved position+landholdings.
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Explain why Mussolini was appointed Prime Minister of Italy in 1922/
1)growing social+economic unrest in Italy after 1918.2)fear communist revolution3)Church4)Liberal Italy was weak+M had grown fascism offerin simple popular solutions5)Weakness in democracy- King+Church feared left more than M.6)March on Rome Threat
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
"The impact of the First World War on Italy is the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power by 1922." How far would you accept that verdict? (part 2)
4)liberal gov blamed for "mutilated victory"+ failing to stand for Italian interests5)Growing political crisis=PR 6)Liberal Italy weak-public discontent+disapointment over lack of gains+ treaties 7)King+CathChurch=fear of left wing= Support M
Card 3
"The impact of the First World War on Italy is the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power by 1922." How far would you accept that verdict? (part 3)

Card 4
Explain why the Catholic Church supported Mussolini's rise to power in Italy in the Period 1919-1922.

Card 5
"The role of King Victor Emmanuel III was the most important reason for Mussolini's rise to power in Italy by 1922." How far do you agree with this statement?

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