give 3 reasons for the importance of a balanced diet
1) providing energy to survive
2) provides energy to keep us healthy and fight disease
3) for growth and repair of tissue
4) to allow our bodily processes to function properly
5) stop us from feeling hungry
1 of 34
name the 5 food groups which are part of the Eatwell guide
1) fruit and vegetables
2) potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and other starchy carbohydrates.
3) beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat, and other proteins.
4) dairy and alternatives
5) oil and spreads
2 of 34
how many cups of water a day should you have according to the Eatwell Guide?
6-8 cups
3 of 34
how many ml of fruit juices/smoothies should you limit yourself to, 150ml daily?
4 of 34
what age should the Eatwell guide be followed from
ages 2-5
5 of 34
how many portions of fruits and vegetables do you need a day
5 portions ( 5 a day)
6 of 34
what can your 5 a day contain
fresh, frozen, canned, tinned, dried, or juice
7 of 34
how is eating a lot of fruits and vegetables beneficial?
you are less likely to develop diseased such as CHD (coronary heart disease) and some types of cancer
8 of 34
fruits and vegetables are a good source of...
vitamins, minerals, and fibre
9 of 34
Examples of whole grain/high fibre products
- whole wheat paste
- brown rice
10 of 34
starchy foods are a good source of...
energy, vitamins and minerals
11 of 34
examples of dairy foods
fromage frais
12 of 34
dairy products are good sources of...
calcium, proteins and some vitamins
13 of 34
what should we replace our normal milk, cheese yoghurt products with
milk - semi-skimmed or low fat
cheese - reduced-fat cheese
yoghurt- plain low-fat or fat free
14 of 34
Protein products (give 5)
15 of 34
alternatives to meat products
beans, pulses and lentils
also low in fat
16 of 34
what is the fish portion recommendation?
2 portions of fish a week, at least one be oily (e.g. mackerel) as the natural oil contains omega-3
17 of 34
reduce red meat and processed meat to __g a day
18 of 34
what are 4 cooking methods that do not use any fat?
steaming, baking, microwave, grilling
19 of 34
examples of oils and spreads
vegetable oil
sunflower oil
olive oil
20 of 34
how many grams of salt should you have a day
21 of 34
why should sugary drinks be avoided
they contain sugar which can increase the risk of obesity and tooth decay
22 of 34
benefits of reducing the amount of saturated fat (give 2)
- reduces the risk of heart disease
- lower blood cholestrol
23 of 34
finish off the sentence:
no more than 5% of the...
sugar we eat should come from free sugars
24 of 34
what are free sugars
sugars added to a food or drink
25 of 34
sugar intake:
4-6 years
7-10 years
1) no more than 19g
2) no more than 24g
3) no more than 30g
26 of 34
two examples of free sugars
fructose and sucrose
27 of 34
benefits of reducing our salt intake
- reduces blood pressure
- reduced risk of heart disease
- reduces risk of a stroke
28 of 34
what are the 8 tips for healthy eating
1) base your meals on starchy foods
2) eat lots of fruit and veg ( 5 a day)
3) two portions of fish a week - one oily
4) cut down saturated fat and sugar
5) eat less salt - no more than 6g per day
6) stay active - exercise
7) drink water - 6-8 cups
8) d
29 of 34
what are antioxidants
substances that may protect your cells against free radicals
30 of 34
what are free radicals
unstable atoms which can damage our cells, cause illness and cause oxidation
31 of 34
what can obesity cause (give 4/5)
1) heart disease
2) high blood pressure
3) diabetes
4) low-self esteem
5) osteoarthritis - causes joints to become stiff
32 of 34
what causes CVD (cardiovascular disease)
- high amounts of cholesterol blocking the arteries
33 of 34
what is cholesterol
a type of fat found in the blood - liver produces cholestrol
34 of 34
Other cards in this set
Card 2
name the 5 food groups which are part of the Eatwell guide
1) fruit and vegetables
2) potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and other starchy carbohydrates.
3) beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat, and other proteins.
4) dairy and alternatives
5) oil and spreads
Card 3
how many cups of water a day should you have according to the Eatwell Guide?
Card 4
how many ml of fruit juices/smoothies should you limit yourself to, 150ml daily?
Card 5
what age should the Eatwell guide be followed from
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