The Radicalisation of the State 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryDemocracy and Nazism: 1918-1945A2/A-levelAQA Created by: theblazingoptimistCreated on: 08-03-17 14:48 How can the Nazi regime's racial policy be split into three sections? Legal revolution, Creating new Germany, Radicalising the State 1 of 31 What did the legal revolution involve? Controlling SA, increased dep. on political allies 2 of 31 What did Phase 2 involve? Changing public opinion 3 of 31 What did Phase 3 involve? Taking control of army, allowing persecution of enemies 4 of 31 Define social Darwinism Idea of racial hierarchy, adapted from Darwin's natural selection. Justified Aryan (+ European) superiority over Slavs 5 of 31 How did the Nazi idea of Volksgemeinschaft play into their racial policies? It excluded those who weren't seen as "pure Germans" e.g homosexuals, jews 6 of 31 How did the Nazi idea of Lebensraum play into their racial policies? Focused on conquering Eastern lands + inferior Slavic people 7 of 31 Why were the mentally ill/physically disabled seen as a threat in Nazi Germany? Decreased birth rates/war deaths --> fear for peoples' long term future. Seen as threatening Aryan race. 8 of 31 Nazis purge homosexual organisations and literature 1933 9 of 31 Sterilisation Law brought into effect July '33 10 of 31 Nazis' mass roundup of tramps and beggars starts Sept. '33 11 of 31 Reich Office for the Combatting of Homosexuality and Abortion set up '36 12 of 31 Reich Central Office for the Fight Against the Gypsy Nuisance set up '36 13 of 31 Himmler issues Decree for the Struggle Against the Gypsy Plague Dec. '38 14 of 31 Euthanasia first authorised? Oct '39 15 of 31 Pastor Braune's memorandum published Jul '40 16 of 31 Galen's sermon against euthanasia 3 Aug '41 17 of 31 T4 programme stopped 24 Aug '41 18 of 31 How many people were sterilised during the Nazi regime? 400,000 19 of 31 What did the Nazi euthanasia programme eventually become? T4 Programme 20 of 31 How did the T4 programme work? Assessors handed paperwork about patients - paid for how many they could process 21 of 31 How were these people split by the Nazis? Orderly/disorderly - willing to work/habitual criminals 22 of 31 What happened to the orderly homeless? Made to work for accomodation 23 of 31 What happened to the disorderly homeless? Sent to concentration camps 24 of 31 What was set up to reeducate asocials in 1936? Hashude, an "asocial colony" in North Ger. 25 of 31 How many men were arrested on homosexuality charges between 1936-38? 22,000 26 of 31 Why were religious sects targeted by the Nazis? Intl links 27 of 31 What happened to most sects in Germany by 1933? Banned, but these bans were lifted when shown as willing to comply with regime 28 of 31 How did the Jehovah's Witnesses oppose the regime? Refused oath to Hitler, saw persecution as test of faith 29 of 31 How many Jehovah's Witnesses had been imprisoned by the Nazis? 10,000 30 of 31 What happened to gypsies during the war? Deported to Poland 31 of 31
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