The Power and Conflict poetry Quiz 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? EnglishPoems from other culturesGCSEAQA Created by: shanbyrneeCreated on: 11-05-17 20:03 Which two poems both express nature through similes? 'The Prelude' and 'Storm on the Island' 1 of 16 'War Photographer' is about...? Contrast between the war zones and safety back home, and the way people do not understand the truth. 2 of 16 What is the poet, of 'War Photographer', trying to emphasise? How out of touch people are with the truth of war; how the job is life changing and destructive. 3 of 16 'Spools of suffering' is a quote from 'War Photographer', but what terminology is it? Sibilance 4 of 16 'Ozymandias' has which poem structure? Sonnet 5 of 16 The statue is ruined - what is this? Irony - symbol of temporary power; power doesn't last forever. 6 of 16 Remains has an unusual irregular line legnth and rhyme scheme - why is this? He is confessing - he is sadened and blering it out. 7 of 16 Chose the correct quotation from 'The Charge of the light brigade' using heoric language: "Horse and Hero fell/ they that had fought so well" 8 of 16 Exposure is in .... tense and why? Present tense - to easily provide suspense and so we can experience the dreadful war with them. 9 of 16 Rhetorical questions in 'Exposure' is used because...? To ask why the men are exposed to such dreadful conditions when we all could be in peace. 10 of 16 Which poems is a dramatix monologue? My last Dutchess 11 of 16 How is power expressed in 'My Last Dutchess'? Misuse of power - the duke controls his dutchess as if she was his possesion. 12 of 16 "Like a tame cat turned savage' is a personified metaphor from which poem? Storm on the Island 13 of 16 Bayonet Charge has...? Lines of uneven length - creates irregular rythm, which mirrors the soldiers struggling. 14 of 16 Which oxymoron, and what does it express, is in 'London'? 'Marriage hearse' - mixes happyness in life with reality of death 15 of 16 London shows..? Atate of human soul and society. 16 of 16