The periodic Table 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryThe Periodic TableGCSEAQA Created by: Henry FCreated on: 11-06-19 17:37 How many groups are in the Periodic Table Eight 1 of 8 How many periods are in the Periodic Table Seven 2 of 8 What is the 1st group called in the Periodic Table The Alkali Metals 3 of 8 What is the 7th group called in the Periodic Table The Halogens 4 of 8 Explain the trend in reactivity of Group 1 The Metals increase in reactivity as the group goes down 5 of 8 Explain the trend in reactivity of Group 7 The Elements decrease in reactivity as the group goes down 6 of 8 What are the metals called in between the Groups 2 and 3 The Transition Metals 7 of 8 What is a property of a Transition Metal beginning with 'M' Malleable 8 of 8
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