The Odyssey Book 1 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Classical CivilizationOdysseyASAQA Created by: Aoise HaranCreated on: 01-03-17 11:30 24361987510 Across 1. The name of Odysseus' son was (10) 4. Athena travels to talk to Telemachus taking the form of... (6) 5. Odysseus was stuck on the island.. (6) 7. Telemachus and Penelope live in... (6) 10. The name of Odysseus' wife was (8) Down 2. He give the suitors notice he will hold an...the next day (8) 3. During this assembly the suitors will be ordered to... (5) 6. The...were trying to take over Odysseus' estate (7) 8. This was the island of the goddess.. (7) 9. Telemachus believes Odysseus is... (4)
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