The nature of qualitative research

  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 17-05-19 20:21
What are 3 main features of qualitative research?
1. Inductive view of relationship between theory/research 2. Adopts an interpretivist approach 3. Constructionist
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What are the main research methods associated with qualitative research?
Ethnography/participant observation, qualitative interviewing, focus groups, discourse/conversation analysis and collecting/analysing texts, documents etc
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What is postmodernism?
An approach that attempts to define how society has progressed to an era beyond modernity
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What are the main steps in qualitative research?
1. General research questions 2. Selection of sites/subjects 3. Collection of data 4. Interpretation of data 5. Conceptual/theoretical work 5a. Tighter specification of research questions 5b. Collection of further data 6. Writing up
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What is grounded theory?
A strategy for generating theory out of data
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Which types of reliability/validity are identifiable in qualitative research?
External reliability, internal reliability, internal validity, external validity
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What is respondent validation?
A process whereby a researcher provides the people on whom he/she has conducted research with an account of his/her findings
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What is triangulation?
Using more than one method/source of data in the study of social phenomena
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What are Lincoln and Guba's (1985) authenticity criteria?
Fairness, ontological authenticity, educative authenticity, catalytic authenticity and tactical authenticity
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What is action research?
An approach in which the action researcher and members of a social setting collaborate in the diagnosis of a problem and in the development of solution based on the diagnosis
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What are Yardley's (2000) proposed criteria for testing the quality of qualitative research?
Sensitivity to context, commitment and rigour, transparency and coherence, impact and importance
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What are Tracy's (2010) 8 criteria for testing the quality of qualitative research
1. Worthy topic 2. Rich rigour 3. Sincerity 4. Credibility 5. Resonance 6. Significant contribution 7. Ethical 8. Meaningful coherence
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What are the main preoccupations of qualitative researchers?
Seeing through the eyes of the people being studied, description and context, process, flexibility and limited structure, inductive approach
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What are the main criticisms of qualitative research?
Too subjective, difficult to replicate, problems of generalisation, lack of transparency
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What are the main differences between quantitative and qualitative research?
Numbers vs words, researcher's view vs participant's view, researcher is distant vs researcher is close, deductive vs inductive, static vs process, structured vs unstructured, generalisation vs context, macro vs micro, behaviour vs meaning
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What are the main similarities between quantitative and qualitative research?
Both concerned with data reduction, answering questions, relating data analysis to research literature, variation, frequency, transparency, error
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Why is qualitative research more compatible with feminism?
Allows women's voices to be heard, reduces exploitation, women aren't treated as objects, feminist goals are considered
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the main research methods associated with qualitative research?


Ethnography/participant observation, qualitative interviewing, focus groups, discourse/conversation analysis and collecting/analysing texts, documents etc

Card 3


What is postmodernism?


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Card 4


What are the main steps in qualitative research?


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Card 5


What is grounded theory?


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