The Nature - Nurture Debate
5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: ConnieWillis
- Created on: 23-01-18 15:24
What is the main belief behind the 'nature' side of the debate?
That human characteristics are innate and a result of heredity
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What is the heritability coefficient?
A figure ranging from 0 - 1.0 indicating the extent to which a characteristic is genetic.
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What is the heritability coefficient for IQ?
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What does this figure suggest?
That IQ is influenced by both genetics and environment
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What is the main belief behind the 'nurture' side of the debate?
That we are born as a blank slate and influenced by our envirnoment
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What are some examples of Lerner's levels of the environment?
Pre-natal (mothers psychology and physical state during pregnancy), or post-natal (cultural and historical context that the child is brought up in)
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Why is this debate impossible to answer?
Environmental influence begins in a child's life as soon as it is born. The two things are too closely intertwined.
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Whats difficult with twin studies in this topic?
Hard to tell if concordance rates are due to genetics as most twins also grow up in the same environment
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What is the interactionist approach?
Attachment patterns between a parent and an infant as a two-way street - a child's innate temperament will effect how the parent responds to it - nature creates nurture
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What is the diathesis-stress model?
That there is a genetic vulnerability for a mental illness that is then triggered by en environmental cause.
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What did Pikka find with Finnish adoptees?
That those most likely to develop schizophreania were those with biological relatives with a history of the disorder, and 'dysfunctional' adoptive families.
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What is epigenetics?
Its the change in our genetic activity without changing our genetic code
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What causes this?
Interaction with our environment - happens throughout life
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What is smoking an example of?
An aspect of our lifestyle that leave epigenetic 'marks' on our DNA.
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How does this fit with the nature-nurture debate?
The life experience of previous generations can effect the children
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What did Dias and Ressler do?
They gave lab mice electric shocks every time they smelt a certain perfume
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What did they find?
That the rats showed a fearful reaction when exposed to the smell - and so did their children and grandchildren
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What does a nativist suggest?
That 'anatomy is destiny' - our genes determine our characteristics and behaviour
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What type of stance is this?
Highly deterministic
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Why is this a controversial stance?
It has lead to attempting to link race, genetics and intelligence - applications of eugenics policies
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What do empiricists believe ?
That behaviour can be changed by altering environmental conditions
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What is a practical application of this?
Behaviour shaping - reinforcing good ones and punishing bad ones
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What is the idea of shared and unshared environments?
The idea that individual differences may cause siblings to see life events in different ways - therefore not experiencing exactly the same upbrining
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What is an example of this?
Age and a parents divorce
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What does this explain about MZ concordance rates?
Why they are not always exactly the same - supports the view that heredity and thee environment cannot be separated
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What is constructivism?
The notion that genes and the environment interact
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Give an example of nature determining nurture?
Agressive children feeling more comfortable around children who show the same behaviours so will choose their environment accordingly
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What is passive interaction?
The way the parents genes influence the way they treat their children
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What is evocative interaction?
A child's genes influencing the environment they grow up in
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What is active interaction?
A child creating their own environment through people and experiences it selects
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How does this relate to other debates?
Determinism (biological and environmental)
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What is active interaction?
A child creating their own environment through people and experiences it selects
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How does this relate to other debates?
Determinism (biological and environmental)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the heritability coefficient?
A figure ranging from 0 - 1.0 indicating the extent to which a characteristic is genetic.
Card 3
What is the heritability coefficient for IQ?

Card 4
What does this figure suggest?

Card 5
What is the main belief behind the 'nurture' side of the debate?

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