The Native American movements 1945-1992.

  • Created by: I.unit
  • Created on: 02-06-17 13:06
What was Termination and when was it introduced?
Introduced in 1953 to speed assimilation. Native Americans lost their special protection as 'wards of the government'- instead of the reservation system, they would be encouraged to move cities where there were jobs.
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Why was the Termination unsuccessful from the Native American point of view?
They were often unable to adapt. They often lived in the worst accommodation and working in poorly paid jobs. 50% returned to reservations which had also deteriorated.
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What was the unemployment rate and life expectancy in 1945-69?
Unemployment rate among Native Americans was 18% and life expectancy was only 44 years old 20 years below the national average.
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What did Native Americans who stayed in cities establish and what did that encourage?
Often established ghettoes, which helped preserve traditional culture. It also meant they witnessed the growth of the civil right movement, which would influence their own movements in the later part of the period.
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Overall what was the positions of Native Americans during 1945-69?
During this period their position declined, while their rights were not advanced.
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What was achieved with the restoration of land from 1969-92?
A slow process, not all land was restored, Sometimes compensation was offered instead. The compensation was often rejected as they wanted back their land.
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What changes were made from 1969-92 in terms of Native American religion?
Respect for Native American religious traditions was restored and they were able to worship freely. Thirsty states passed laws protect Native American burial grounds and remains.
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What social and cultural improvements for Native Americans were there from 1969-92?
Began to negotiate contracts with the Bureau of Indians Affairs to take responsibility for their health, education and the social services. Gained recognition from the government to live according to tribal culture.
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In terms of the social position of Native Americans what areas did not see any improvement?
Education and employment levels remained low and funding cuts at the end of the period weakened their position.
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What benefited the rise in population from what in 1970 to what in 1990?
The period after the 1960s saw the end of assimilation and moves towards self determination. The population rose from 800,000 in 1970 to 1.7 million in 1990.
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Card 2


Why was the Termination unsuccessful from the Native American point of view?


They were often unable to adapt. They often lived in the worst accommodation and working in poorly paid jobs. 50% returned to reservations which had also deteriorated.

Card 3


What was the unemployment rate and life expectancy in 1945-69?


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Card 4


What did Native Americans who stayed in cities establish and what did that encourage?


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Card 5


Overall what was the positions of Native Americans during 1945-69?


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