The Making of America ( OCR 9-1)
5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: Gtaylor25
- Created on: 05-06-19 16:20
What system of voting did America have?
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How many original states were there?
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Define the constitution
The set of rules for America
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What is the difference between a state and territory?
State has a representative in Congress
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Name of the original 13 states
Connecticut, Delware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusett, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York etc
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Why did the USA expand?
First president took land from Indians, Growth of slavery, opened Northwest and Southwest territories, Louisiana Purchase
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Why did slavery expand?
High demand for cotton, cotton gin invented, banks willing to give loans
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What is the Missouri Compromise
A line across America separating North and South, territories free and states added in pairs
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What were the 5 Civilised Tribes?
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole
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What act was passed in 1830?
The Indian Removal Act
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How did the Cherokee respond to the Act?
Went to the Supreme Court and were allowed to stay
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How were the Seminoles eventually forced to move?
War, chief killed, some moved, the rest forced
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What is the trail of tears?
When the Cherokees were marched from concentration camps West
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Explain the leadership style of the Lakota Sioux
Tribes - warrior leader, nomadic lifestyle
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What beliefs did the Lakota Sioux have?
The Great Spirit, power came from Dakota mountains, farming was disrespectful
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Name a problem with the journey West
rocky mountains, too much stuff to carry, hot summers, cold winters
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Why did the Mormons move West?
To escape persecution due to polygamy
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When and where was gold first discovered?
California, 1848
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Who was affected by the gold rush?
California indians, immigrants in the west, america, plains indians
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When did the Civil War start?
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What are the official names for the North and South
Confederacy and Union
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What was the Kansas Nebraska Act?
In 1854, states could decide if they were slave or free?
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In 1857 what did the supreme court decide?
that slaves had no rights and slavery could not be banned in territories
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Who was elected president in 1860?
Abraham Lincoln?
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What is the difference between treatment of Black African Americans during the Civil War?
N - some can get jobs, poor living conditions, schools were segregated. S - No jobs, plantation housing, illegal to learn to read and write
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What is the Emancipation proclamation?
all slaves in the South free?
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What racism did Black Americans face after the Civil War?
Race riots, not allowed to be officers, not equal pay
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What is the Freedman's bureau?
Land confiscated from slaves owners given to slaves
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What is Ku Klux Klan?
White supremacist group
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What are the Black codes?
Laws that take away Black rights
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What is radical reconstruction?
Policies put in place by republican politicians
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What occurred under radical reconstruction?
FMB reopened, Civil Rights Bill, 14th Amendment (citizenship to all), Southern governments taken over by North
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Why did reconstruction cause problems?
People believed Whites were profiting from it.
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What railway was built in the 1860s?
The Transcontinental Railway
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Name the 2 companies involved in building the transcontinental railways
Union Pacific and Central Pacific
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What was the impact of the railways?
Made people wealthy, disrupted Indians buffalo land, gave chinese workers work but in poor conditions, new towns created
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What is cattle driving?
Taking cattle to railway stops ready to be sold (over the plains)
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What is a cow town?
Towns located on the railroads
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What was the issue with cow towns?
Rowdy, violent and lots of alcohol!
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What is a cattle ranch?
Set up on the plains so that cattle did not need to be driven so far
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Name a problem people faced living on the plains?
Hard to get water, no access to trees, miles from the nearest town, diseases
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How did homesteaders overcome the problems?
Wind pumps, new farming techniques, community farming, crop sharing
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What is the homesteaders act?
160 acres of land free for 5 years
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What happened at Little Crows War?
Little crow chief sought food and supplies, agents refused to opem emergency stores. War occurred. Indians publicly hanged and others moved West.
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What is Red Cloud's Victory?
Attacks against gold miners. War occurred. Indians won. More land had to be given to the Indians
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What is the Great Sioux War?
Gold was discovered - the Indians did not want to sell land on Black hills as it is sacred to them. The army attacked. Sioux won but were rounded up and forced into reservations
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How had life changed for the Indians by 1900?
Reservations, few resources, no longer able to hunt buffalo, forced to give up their culture
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What was the 'Friends of the Indians?'
Well meaning group to help Indians integrate into American culture - set up schools, monitored reservations, gave them citizenship
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What was the Ghost dance movement?
Last attempt at rebellion, believed the dance would rid them of the white settlers and return the buffalo. Government were sent to get rid and killed men women and children. They disbanded
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What were the Jim Crow Laws?
Poor housing, black only areas, segregation, did nothing to stop violence of KKK
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What is lynching?
Hanging someone without a trial
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How did the Homestead Act help Black Americans?
They were able to claim land free for 5 years if they moved West
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What industries in America had grown by 1900?
Cotton, tobacco, farming, ranches and mineral mining
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What was the problem with new towns and cities?
Often overcrowded and had very poor areas (slums)
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Why did many people emigrate to America in the 1880s-1900s?
Economy was booming, cheap and faster travel, freedom of religion,
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What was Ellis Island?
Where immigrants had to pass health and language tests before admission to the US
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What was the experience of workers in the USA by 1900?
Poor working conditions, little pay, inequality for blacks, poor pay, could easily blacklist employees to keep them from getting another job
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How many original states were there?
Card 3
Define the constitution

Card 4
What is the difference between a state and territory?

Card 5
Name of the original 13 states

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