Who originally came up with the idea of the League?
Woodrow Wilson
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What did Woodrow Wilson want the League to act as?
A world parliament
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Where was the League based?
Geneva, Switzerland
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How many countries originally joined the League?
42 (rose to 60 in 1930's)
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Why did America not join the League?
In May 1920 the senate voted against Versailles therefore not joining the League
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Why was the USSR unable to become a member of the League until 1934?
They were communist
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Why was Germany not allowed to join the League?
It was a punishment for causing WW1
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Who were the leading members and who were they helped by?
Britain and France and helped by Italy and Japan
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What were the aims of the League (SIDE)?
Stop war (international Peace and Collective security), Improve lives and job, Disarmament, Enforce the Treaty of Versailles
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Why did the League try to enforce the Treaty of Versailles?
So it would encourage trace, economic and social agencies, healthcare and end slavery
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What was the Covenant?
Members promised to keep the peace (articles 10-17)
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What was Condemnation?
The League could tell a country it was doing wrong
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What was Arbitration?
The League could offer to decide between countries
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What were the Sanctions?
Stopping trade
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What were the 4 powers of The League?
Covenant, Condemnation, Arbitration, Sanctions
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What are the 3 stages of collective security?
Moral disapproval, Economic Sanctions and Military Sanctions
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How was moral disapproval carried out?
Following an act of aggression the council would meet and vote to condemn the action. (The aggressive country knowing the rest of the world disagreed with them might drop its action)
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What happened if stage one of Collective security failed?
The council could impose economic sanctions E.g trade boycott or refusing credit
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What happened if stage two of Collective security failed?
The council may send an army to deal with the aggressor
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who originally came up with the idea of the League?
Woodrow Wilson
Card 3
What did Woodrow Wilson want the League to act as?
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