The Laboratory - Robert Browning 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureRobert BrowningA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Kittykatty2000Created on: 01-01-18 13:26 these faint smokes curling whitely 1 of 20 devil's- smithy 2 of 20 which is the poison to poison her 3 of 20 he is with her and they know that I know - case building 4 of 20 while they laugh laugh at me 5 of 20 I am here - links to Devil's Smithy 6 of 20 I am not in haste! 7 of 20 dance at the King's 8 of 20 gold, soft phial exquisite blue, sure to taste sweetly 9 of 20 to carry pure death in an earring - oxymoronic 10 of 20 Pauline and Elise - women who thinks husband is having an affair with 11 of 20 why not soft like the phial's, enticing and dim? - the poison 12 of 20 no minion like me - complimeting or putting herself down? 13 of 20 this never will free the soul from those masculine eyes 14 of 20 he is sure to remember her dying face 15 of 20 be not morose 16 of 20 the delicate droplet, my whols fortune's fee 17 of 20 if it hurts her, beside, can it ever hurt me? 18 of 20 you may kiss me old man on my mouth if you will 19 of 20 next moment I dance at the King's 20 of 20
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