The intro

  • Created by: jf00632
  • Created on: 03-03-19 20:54
What is Managerialism?
This is assigning managers the exclusive power to define the goals of the organisation and their means of achievment. - It proposes that everything can be managed efficiently through the application of correct techniques
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What is entity?
Something that exists as a solid or concrete thing- could be an institution or object
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What is the concept view?
The concept view focuses on how all deinitions are politically charged as they interpret activity in particular ways and anticipate behaviours
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Instrumental rationality
the human use of operational reasoning in the creation of technical knowledge to manipulate the world
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Definition of colonised
This is a process where usually a larger, richer or more powerful unit takes control of a weaker one
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Definition of Orthodox
This is used to describe what most people currently recognise as a legitamate way of doing or thinknig about things
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Definition of critical
This is used to signal an interest in interrogating and challenging received wisdom
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What are impersonal and disembodied?
This refers to the way that our relations with each other can lack any sense of personal intimacy and be calculative.
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What are the 6 key concepts?
Insecurity, identity, power, inequality, freedom and knowledge
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The encouraging of some idea or action
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Behaviour that is imposed upon people by ther virtue of their position
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What does sociology examine?
Examines human behviour in relation to various, social political and economic conditions that affect it,, but in turn are produced or reproduced by it. it connects most directly to our key concept of identity.
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What does psychology concentrate on?
It concentrates on how people think and behave. it connect to the key concepts of freedom and insecurity.
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What is Vignettes?
Brief excerpts from a larger story that may help us to understand what happens to people in everyday life
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What is contextual embeddeness?
Way in which any action on the part of, for example, managers or employees, is ascribed different meaning and sig depending on the context in which it occurs.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is entity?


Something that exists as a solid or concrete thing- could be an institution or object

Card 3


What is the concept view?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Instrumental rationality


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Definition of colonised


Preview of the front of card 5
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