What model says that both a vulnerability and a stress trigger are needed to develop schizophrenia?
Diathesis-stress model
1 of 9
In Meehl's model what and what caused schizophrenia
gene and stress
2 of 9
Our modern understanding into diathesis shows that there are ...... genes that can cause schizophrenia.
3 of 9
A modern definition of stress includes anything that risks triggering schizophrenia, which will involve the .................. explanation.
4 of 9
Who suggested that it is possible to believe in biological causes of schizophrenia and still pracitse CBT to relieve psychological symptoms?
5 of 9
In Britain it is incresaingly standard to have an ........... approach to schizophrenia
6 of 9
Who studied children adopted away from schizophrenogenic mothers. The adoptive parents' parenting styles were assessed and compared with a control group of adoptees with no genetic risk?
7 of 9
Multiple genes increase the vulnerability, each with a small effect on its own, and stress comes in many forms. Showing that this model is ...........
8 of 9
Who randomly allocated 315 patients to medication and CBT group or to medication and supportive counselling or a control group, finding that those with a combination of therapies showed lower symptoms than the control group.?
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
In Meehl's model what and what caused schizophrenia
gene and stress
Card 3
Our modern understanding into diathesis shows that there are ...... genes that can cause schizophrenia.
Card 4
A modern definition of stress includes anything that risks triggering schizophrenia, which will involve the .................. explanation.
Card 5
Who suggested that it is possible to believe in biological causes of schizophrenia and still pracitse CBT to relieve psychological symptoms?
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