1. The reorganisation of currency 2. An international loan of 800 million gold Marks 3. Reparations rearranged
3 of 26
How could this period be interpreted as 'golden'?
There was considerably less extreme influence due to loss of seats from the DNVP, Nazi party and KPD.
4 of 26
When was Hindenburg elected president?
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Why was compromise not possible in the coalitions?
Each party tended to act more as self-interested groups, also they lacked the experience.
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True or False: Hindenburg always looked to include the DNVP in his government, and exclude the SPD.
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How stable did President Hindenburg make Weimar Germany?
Whilst he didn't undermine the Republic, he didn't actively support it either.
8 of 26
Name 3 of Stresemann's key foreign policies/treaties
The Dawes Plan (1924), Young Plan (1929), Locarno Pact (1925), League of Nations (1926), Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), Treaty of Berlin (1926), End of Allied Occupation by 1929, Franco-German commerical treaty (1927)
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What was the Locarno Pact?
International Security Pact, that eased Franco-German tensions
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Why was Germany's Admittance to the League of Nations important?
They had previously been excluded.
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What was the Young Plan (1929)?
An amendment to the original Dawes Plan, where the responsibility for reparations was passed to Germany over a set 59 years of repayment, as well as the French promise to evacuate the Rhineland 5 years earlier than originally scheduled.
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What were Stresemann's 5 foreign policy aims?
FRIENDSHIP w/France; WORLD TRADE w/USA; FULFILLMENT w/USSR - policy of conforming to Versailles Treaty; CO-OPERATION w/West; FREEDOM from limitations of Versailles
13 of 26
Why could economy be seen as recovering?
Increased heavy industry; increased foreign investment (high interest rate); Reichmarks more reliable on gold standard; wages rose by 5-10% and export industry improved.
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Why could economy be seen as superficially promising, but marred by weaknesses in reality?
Agriculture slumped due to saturation in market; High unemployment (baby boom + soldiers); Linked to US economy heavily; Trade deficit; Cost of welfare
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Give an example of a foreign corporation that began manufacturing more in Germany?
Car manufacturers e.g. Ford
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Explain why agricultural incomes were 44% below the national average by the late 20s?
Price of food drops because USSR and USA exported more wheat, so market was saturated.
17 of 26
Which political parties was Muller's Grand Coalition made up of?
18 of 26
When was the Grand Coalition?
19 of 26
Under the Unemployment Insurance Law of 1927, what was the benefit offered to the jobless?
75% of wages for 3/4 of the year
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Describe the key factors in social policy
It appeased the workers and left wing so they were less likely to strike by improving working conditions, the National Youth Welfare Act, Unemployment Insurance Law, National Insurance Act, and more hospitals and housing
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What was bad about Weimar social policy?
Welfare benefits were too expensive to maintain, especially since unemployment was so high.
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Was the Weimar period 'golden' for culture?
There was a new movement of Neue Sachlichkeit and a real explosion of publishing, Functionalist architecture and practical theatre. However, a lot of mass culture was only in the cities. Also, the majority of people were averse to these changes.
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What was the 1928 Ruhr Lockout?
A demonstration of resentment of employers of the power of unions and compulsory arbitration.
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Why could the Judiciary be considered a failure?
They were still very conservative and independent from the Republic
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How Golden were the 'Golden Years'?
The golden years, whilst they didn't face any major opposition and government was relatively stable during the Grand Coalition, there were some serious weaknesses underlying social and economic policy, and the cultural changes did not extend far.
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