The Establishment of Royal Supremacy

  • Created by: LDOakes
  • Created on: 11-06-22 14:49
What was the 'King's Great Matter'?
VIII wanting his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annuled in the mid 1520s because she had only produced one child who survived infancy (Mary). He also wanted to be free to marry Anne Boleyn.
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What were the effects of the 'King's Great Matter'?
-Wolsey's downfall
-the establishment of the royal supremacy (thanks to Cromwell in 1532)
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How did Henry VIII try to argue for the annulment of the marriage, and what was Aragon's counterarguement to this?
A line in Leviticus prohibiting the marriage of your brother's widow. However, Aragon claimed in the brief time she'd been married to Arthur, the marriage had never been consumated.
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Why did the Pope not simply grant the dispensation (even if for a fee)?
He was imprisoned by Emperor Charles V who attacked Rome on 6th May 1527. Charles was Aragon's nephew and didn't want to see his family insulted.
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What finally cemented the fall of Wolsey?
On the 30th July 1529, once Campeggio (sent by the Pope who'd already been playing for time for two years) ajourned the case.
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What was happened afterwards until Wolsey's death?
He was charged with praemunire in October 1529, surrended all to VIII and was arrested on 4th November 1530. He cheated the executioner's axe by dying at Leicester Abbey on 29th November.
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What do most historians think of Wolsey?
Most had negative judgements, likely due to his enemies though. P.Vergil said he "aroused against himself the hatred of the whole country" and J.Skelton said he was arrogant because Hampton Court was more important than the King's court.
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Give one example of a historian actually praising Wolsey.
John Guy called Wolsey England's most gifted administrator for over 300 years.
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Card 2


What were the effects of the 'King's Great Matter'?


-Wolsey's downfall
-the establishment of the royal supremacy (thanks to Cromwell in 1532)

Card 3


How did Henry VIII try to argue for the annulment of the marriage, and what was Aragon's counterarguement to this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the Pope not simply grant the dispensation (even if for a fee)?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What finally cemented the fall of Wolsey?


Preview of the front of card 5
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